Zionist Political Corruption/Manipulation
(Israeli Controlled) House Democrats announce broad probe into allegations of obstruction of justice against Trumpby TUT Editor |
House Democratic chairmen need to keep pounding away on these pointsby TUT Editor |
ed note–and, here we go again, ladies and Gentile-men…
The author of this piece, Jennifer Rubin–

–along with fellow gang members such as the Kagan Brothers, Bill Kristol, Eil Lake, Max Boot, Eliot Cohen, and a whole line-up of others too numerous to list here, are the VERY SAME CHARACTERS who grabbed the microphones in the immediate aftermath of the (Israeli-engineered) terrorist attacks on 9/11 and who sold (seduced) the American people into forfeiting the blood of their children, their freedoms, and national treasure by signing onto the long-planned for ‘war on terror’ for Israel’s benefit.
AND NOW, this same cast of characters are at it AGAIN, only this time, instead of selling war against Iraq, Iran, Syria, etc, and what these wars were designed to bring about–regime change and the formation of a new government more cooperative with Israel’s aims–they are trying to seduce the American people into signing onto regime change in America, and for that same reason–the formation of a new government more cooperative with Israel’s aims.
Now, please pay close attention to the title of the piece written by the Jewess Rubin whose task as an Israeli intelligence operative is to push the American people into clamoring for the removal of a problematic American president in the same way that she pushed the American people 2 decades ago into clamoring for the removal of a problematic (for Israel) Iraqi president–
‘House Democratic chairmen need to keep pounding away on these points’
And who are those ‘House Democratic Chairmen’ to whom she is referring?
1. Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee where all Impeachment proceedings begin and take place headed by Jerrold Nadler, a powerful, well connected, Pro-Israel Jew.
2. Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee where all investigations of ‘Russian meddling’ in the 2016 elections are to take place headed by Adam Schiff, a powerful, well-connected, Pro-Israel Jew.
3. Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee where all discussion of Trump’s ‘Ultimate Peace Deal’ are to be debated and voted on either up or down headed by Eliot Engel, a powerful, well-connected, Pro-Israel Jew.
4. Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee headed by Nita Lowey, a powerful, well-connected, Pro-Israel Jew.
5. Chairman of the House Ethics Committee (as well as the Middle East Subcommittee of the Foreign Affairs Committee headed by Adam Schiff) headed by Ted Deutch, a powerful, well-connected, Pro-Israel Jew.
But hey, as we like to say here often as of late, all yuuz experts out there doing the ‘karaoke’ thing these days manifested by the unsolicited, unqualified, unfettered and incessant verbal flatulence within the ‘9/11 trooth mooooovmnt’ who maintain with the same dogmatic insistence as those who once believed that the earth was flat that ‘Trump is owned by d’Jooz’, pay no mind whatsoever to glaringly important sequels such as we are witnessing now with Rubin and the Neocons in their out-in-front/loud-and-proud/large-and-in-charge attempt at moving heaven, hell, and everything in between in trying to see regime change take place in America.
Read more of this postTUT Editor | March 4, 201
The pornographic allure of ‘American’ power–How Judaic American Mass suicide culture has turned Americans and the world into madmen and warriors.by TUT Editor |

continue reading
With new obstruction of justice investigations launched against Trump, (Israeli controlled) House Democrats send message that ‘Impeachment is on’by TUT Editor |
ed note–and once again, we are still waiting for an answer from all those experts making up the ‘Trump is owned by d’Jooz’ brigade to the following basic question–
If in fact, as these same ‘experts’ from the ‘TIOBDJ Brigade’ allege, that Congress is owned lock, stock, and barrel by Israel and by powerful Zionist interests such as AIPAC (which is true) then WHY is this same Congress–again, owned lock, stock, and barrel by Israel and powerful Zionists interests and which is in effect (and in reality) a mere puppet of those same aforementioned ‘special’ interests–being given a free hand by its puppetmasters to pursue all this business with Trump that has as its grand finale his removal from office either via Impeachment or via the provisions of the 25th?
Go ahead formulating your answer. We’ll patiently wait, just as we have for the last 2+ years.
From the horse’s mouth–Arch NeoConservative Max Boot on Why Trump isn’t good for Israelby TUT Editored note–as we like to say often here–more times than should be necessary if everything were functioning properly–BY ALL MEANS, all yuuz out there who believe they have figured out the moving question mark vis Trump and his hard-to-pin down relationship with organized Jewish interests, PAY NO MIND WHATSOEVER to glaringly important pieces such as this that may actually (at least somewhat) immobilize that question mark and possibly even make it smaller.Now, for those who DO want a more thorough understanding of all of the inconsequential business involving WW3 and who believe that a necessary part of the process includes reading glaringly important pieces such as this, consider the following contained herein , to wit–‘Boot was a senior foreign policy adviser for the presidential campaigns of John McCain, Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio.’ALL NEOCONSERVATIVES who had Israel’s stamp of approval for the office of POTUS because Israel knew that they–unlike Trump–would be a rubber stamp for all Israel’s wars and the various Foreign POlicy decisions that would have been made in any of the aforementioned administrations.Nexto–‘Boot, like many of his NeoCon confreres such as Kagan and Kristol even endorsed Hillary Clinton — a “deeply flawed” candidate, in his mind, but one who was “extremely knowledgeable, resolutely centrist and amply qualified.”Translation–‘Clinton would have given us the wars we wanted and we knew Trump would not.’So much for the asinine assertions made by various experts out there that the Jews ushered Trump into office with the wind at his back and greased the skids in order to make sure he won.Nexto–‘By ignoring Russian involvement in the last Presidential election, Boot wrote in the book that “the GOP has made itself complicit in something close to treason.’Translation–‘The Russians beat AIPAC at its own game, prevented the NeoConservative choice for POTUS Hillary Clinton from winning and by doing so, engaged in ‘treason’ against the only country that matters to Jews, Israel.’Nexto–‘Boot feels a strong sense of identity with the Jewish people and with the State of Israel’.Translation–Boot is an asset of Israeli intelligence and his job as part of Merlin’s Mainstream Media Magical Minstrels is to weave his web of black magic over the minds of Americans–as he did in the run-up to the invasion and destruction of Iraq–into supporting the Impeachment of DJT and his replacement with a more pliable Christian Zionist Mike Pence.Nexto–‘It’s unfortunate that some Jewish conservatives support him on the theory that he’s good for Israel, but I think at the end of the day he’s not good for Israel. He’s making it a political football.’Let’s repeat that again, for emphasis–‘It’s unfortunate that some Jewish conservatives support him on the theory that he’s good for Israel, but I think at the end of the day he’s not good for Israel. He’s making it a political football.’And, jes’ one mo’ time for good luck–‘IT’S UNFORTUNATE THAT SOME JEWISH CONSERVATIVES SUPPORT TRUMP ON THE THEORY THAT HE’S GOOD FOR ISRAEL.THEORYTHEORYTHEORYRead more of this post |
In escalating criticism of White House peace plan, Bennett accuses Trump of ‘planning a Palestinian state right over our heads’by TUT Editor |
‘Everybody is in the loop in planning the Palestinian state right over our heads…The Americans, the Saudi prince, the Palestinians, the Jordanian king — even Erdogan of Turkey, blatant anti-Semite! Even he’s in the loop!” Bennett charged. “Everybody’s in the picture. Everybody but us, the people of Israel.’
ed note–as we like to say here, BY ALL MEANS, all yuuz out there holding loud and proud membership in the ‘Trump is owned by dJooz’ brigade, PAY NO MIND WHATSOEVER to glaringly important pieces such as this, and make sure NOT to plug this very important data into the equation when formulating your understanding of why there is this 24/7/365 coup d’etat presently taking place on the part of the Israeli Deep State in trying to implode the Trump presidency.
How They Do It–Michael Cohen testifies to Congress that yes, Trump is a crookby TUT Editored note–and here we go again, ladies and Gentile-men…The author of this piece, Jennifer Rubin–Is a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangstress and NeoCon Israel firster, and who is aligned with this guy–David Frum, a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster and who is closely aligned with this guy–Eliot Cohen, also a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster, who is aligned with this guy–Bill Kristol, also a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster who is aligned with this guy–Paul Wolfowitz, a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster, who is aligned with this guy–Robert Kagan, a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster, …As well as his portly brother, who are both aligned with this guy–Eli Lake, a lying, seditious, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster, who is aligned with this guy–Max Boot, a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster who is aligned with this guy–…That is, before he recently died and went to hell…And who are all deeply, DEEPLY plugged into Israel’s Likud party, Israel’s intelligence apparatus and who were all in some way intimately involved not only with the events of 9/11, but as well, the disastrous ‘clash of civilizations’ that has followed, better known as the ‘war on terror’.In addition to this, they are all deeply, DEEPLY committed to seeing Trump removed from office, and for the singular reason that he stands opposed to any new military adventures for Israel’s benefit and is dedicated to reigning in this Judaic mad dog before it blows up the entire world.Also keep in mind, that an entire gaggle of geniuses, experts, and prophets, some of the ‘brightest luminaries’ in fact within the ‘9/11 trooth moooooovment’, find themselves in the peculiar and perplexing circumstance of standing alongside these aforementioned warmongering, Neocon Zionist Jews by lending their voices and their support in causing Trump as much discomfort as possible, thus assisting Israel in her drive to see this guy–Mike Pence, a died-in-the-wool Christian Zionist, take over as the new occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.Just try doing the math on that one…We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again and for the simple reason that there are still quite a few out there who just don’t seem to ‘get it’ yet–Gangsters don’t shoot the horses they have bet all their money on to win in a race they have fixed. They give them an open road to 1st place and only a political dolt who has as much business performing brain surgery as they do rendering commentary and analysis on complex and oftentimes convoluted political drama can’t see this.Read more of this post |
(Israeli Controlled) House of Reps Votes to Block Trump’s Border Emergency Declarationby TUT EditorBefore a vote on a resolution to overturn President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency, Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked House Republicans if they took their oath from Mr. Trump or “the Constitution of the United States?” The measure passed and goes to the Senate.ed note–again, not that it should need any further explaining, this is not about a ‘border wall’ between the US and Mexico, but rather about one between Israel and the Arabs which Trump means to create as a result of his ‘deal of the century’. What he aims to do is to accumulate the necessary political capital from this particular poker hand vis his base of support in order to raise the stakes in the next hand when his ‘peace deal’ push begins in a few months.Nor is this about the oath to the Constitution which all officers of the US Government are required to take prior to beginning their term, but rather the promises and oaths to Netanyahu and Israel that all hirelings are required to make behind closed doors with no witnesses present and the manner by which said office is to be used in furthering Israel’s demands.Read more of this postTUT Editor | February 27, 2019 at 8:00 am | Categories: Un |
‘The people of Israel will not allow the establishment of a Palestinian state’by TUT Editor |
Israeli politician calls Trump’s attempt to propose new borders on Israel ‘unacceptable’
ed note–so, now that we have arrived at this juncture, there are only 2 possibilities that exist–
1. That all of this talk of the ‘deal of the century’ and of the ‘ultimate peace deal’ on Trump’s part is all just ‘an act’ and that in reality, he does not have the slightest intention of moving forward even one millimeter with even the most rudimentary steps of bringing some sort of resolution to a situation that–somewhere between probably and definitely–is going to serve as the flashpoint for WWIII.
Likewise, the other side of this coin is that all the screeching on the part of Jewish interests in America and elsewhere is also all just ‘an act’ and that the entire ‘Impeach Trump’ thing that is screamed into everyone’s ears 24/7 is just part of ‘the script’ as well, and that in actuality, the Jews just LOOOOOVE Trump and have no intention whatsoever of seeing him removed and replaced with his uber Christian Zionist VP Mike Pence.
Then there is–
2. That Trump IS serious about his peace deal and about preventing WWIII, that the Jews DO INDEED hate him and are moving heaven, hell, and everything in between in trying to affect his removal and that the crux of it all (or at least part of it) is the fact that he as a Goy leader is attempting to do the very same thing which has resulted in JFK getting his head blown off, Nixon being forced to resign, Ford losing his re-election, Carter losing his re-election, GHW Bush losing his re-election and Bill Clinton being impeached in the aftermath of the much-publicized sexual tryst he had with a nice Joosh girl named Monica Lewinsky.
Jeesh, that’s a tough call… Read more of this post
TUT Editor | February 26, 2
Senate Democrats block legislation to protect babies born alive after an unsuccessful abortionby TUT Editored note–jes a lil’ reminder to all those out there who simply want to focus on the ‘Palestine’ issue that the Jewish problem is much, much bigger than simply a small slice of land in the Levant. Read more of this post |