Liz Crokin Talks of FAKE MEDIA-Mixes Truth & Lies

My Comment: Note the 666 Number on this book. Indicates Liz Crokin is one of ‘them.’
Richie Allen and Liz Crokin Promote “Rampant” Jewish Paedophilia Conspiracy Theory
Posted on October 21, 2017 by Richard Bartholomew
From Right Wing Watch (links in original):
Recently, [Liz] Crokin appeared on “The Richie Allen Show,” to discuss the current Hollywood sexual abuse scandals. After nearly an hour of attempting to avoid the host’s persistent efforts to link the scandals to Jews, Crokin eventually stopped resisting the anti-Semitic undercurrent of the discussion and found a way to link the death of [Seth] Rich to the supposed problem of “rampant” pedophilia within the Jewish community.
“Pedophilia is rampant within the Jewish religion, from what I’ve researched,” Crokin said… “Now, it is interesting how pedophilia has been exposed within the Catholic church but there hasn’t been a huge scandal about the pedophilia that goes on within the Jewish community. We do know that the Jews control most of the mainstream media and Hollywood, so you’re probably on to something with that.”
Crokin was responding to Allen’s suggestion that predatory behaviour in Hollywood may have gone unreported for so long because those who knew about it were afraid of being accused of anti-Semitism if they spoke out. This inspired her to expound a theory that Seth Rich had been murdered because he had sent “the Podesta emails” (discussed by me here) to Wikileaks, and that he had been motivated to do so because he had been abused at Jewish-run camps, and because he’s from Omaha, home of the “Franklin scandal“.
Crokin has (or had) a career as a mainstream entertainment reporter; she has also herself been in the news, for accusing a former boyfriend of child sex abuse and causing her to suffer brain damage by infecting her with herpes. She seems to have moved into conspiracy theories (or become “woke”, her preferred term in conversation with Allen) last year. As summarised by RWW, she is
convinced that members of the government and critics of President Trump are part of a massive pedophile ring that attempted to kill Rep. Steve Scalise and was responsible for the murder of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich.
She also says that thousands of child-sex abusers have been rounded up on Trump’s orders, a claim I previously discussed here.
Crokin has previously written for Townhall, Hagmann Report and WND, and she has also appeared as a guest on various fringe media outlets: these include (as noted by RWW) “anointed speaker” Meri Crouley’s Now is the Time programme on Joseph Nassralla‘s The Cross TV station, and Dave Hodges’ The Common Sense Show. She first came to Richie Allen’s attention in May, when she claimed that Townhall had fired her for writing about VIP paedophiles.
Admin: These are all outlets run by Jewish money and pro Israel.
The Richie Allen Show has had numerous American guests, and its audio podcasts on YouTube come with an announcer with an American accent and a visual title sequence featuring the late Jim Marrs. However, the show’s Irish host is based in the UK, and the programme is produced “in association with David Icke dot com”. Conspiracy-mongers from left and right are apparently equally welcome, although the vibe is more “left alternative” than right-wing fringe.
I discussed the show previously at the start of the year: individuals given a platform by Allen have included Erich von Däniken, who argues that the cultural productions of ancient civilizations were in fact created by aliens; the anti-vaccine activist Andrew Wakefield; Sabine McNeill, who recently helped to create a panic about a supposed baby-eating paedophile cult operating out of a church and school in north London; the self-proclaimed reincarnation of Jesus David Shayler; and the general purpose conspiracy theorists Michael Shrimpton, Christopher Monckton, and Tony Gosling.
Allen prefaced his suggestion about Weinstein to Crokin with a disavowal of anti-Semitism, stating that he does not “hate the Jews or anything like that”. However, like Icke, Allen believes in all-powerful “Rothschild Zionists” as an explanation for developments in world affairs (a concept I previously discussed here), and one episode of his show comes with the title “The Rothschilds and Their Subsidiaries Own Literally Everything On Planet Earth”. Marlon Solomon, who warns that we should regard Icke as sinister rather than risible, notes that Allen chose 27 January, which is Holocaust Memorial Day, to invite the Holocaust denier Nicholas Kollerstrom onto his programme.
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Trump Takes Down Over Two Dozen Elite Pedophiles Including Celebrities & Politicians
LIZ CROKINOctober 9, 2017 3:55 am

In June I reported that President Donald Trump is zeroing in on the elite pedophile rings. There are dozens of politicians, government officials and celebrities – including Harvey Weinstein, Jeff Epstein, Anthony Weiner, Mark Salling and eleven Democratic mayors – who have been arrested or are currently embroiled in major sex or pedophilia scandals since Trump’s election victory. The powerful peers of these sexual predators and pedophiles have vigorously protected them for decades; however, now they’re no longer safe. Trump is fully committed to exposing and stopping the sexual criminality and child sex trafficking that’s run rampant in DC and Hollywood for far too long.
On Feb. 23, during a listening session at the White House on human trafficking Trump said: “Dedicated men and women across the federal government have focused on this for some time — as you know it’s been much more focused over the last four weeks.” Trump meant what he said and wasted no time going after child sexual predators. During Trump’s first month in office alone, authorities arrested over 1500 individuals for charges related to pedophilia. The mainstream media not only has refused to cover child sex trafficking among the elites, they’ve actively covered up for pedophiles because many in the media are involved. However, I wrote in February that this story would eventually get so big that the mainstream media will be forced to cover this epidemic. We’ve finally reached that boiling point.
On Thursday The New York Times released a bombshell report revealing that movie mogul Harvey Weinstein of the Weinstein Company has paid off at least eight women who claimed he sexually assaulted them. He made sexual advances toward Ashley Judd, told an employee on her first day that he’d boost her career if she accepted his sexual advances and forced another employee to give him a massage, according to the report. Although there are no public reports of Weinstein sexually assaulting children or downloading child pornography, he has aggressively defended Roman Polanski who was convicted of raping a 13-year-old girl. Not only did Weinstein stick up for the pedophile, he campaigned for the courts to commute his sentence by starting a petition and wrote an entire op-ed on his behalf titled Polanski Has Served His Time & Must Be Freed. Meryl Streep gave Roman Polanksi a standing ovation at the Oscars after he was convicted of child rape and Whoopi Goldberg insisted the sexual assault of the child not a real rape. “I know it wasn’t rape-rape,” Goldberg said.
Not only does Weinstein have slew of close A-list friends such as Streep and Jay-Z, he’s also close with both former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. The disgraced mogul is so tight with these Democratic leaders that he visited the White House 13 times while Obama was in office and held a fundraiser for Clinton at his private Manhattan home last June. Disturbingly, Obama’s daughter, Malia, interned for Weinstein’s company in New York during a break before college.

On Tuesday former Glee star Mark Salling plead guilty to one possession of child pornography stemming from an indictment filed last year. He admitted to downloading over 50,000 images and videos of child pornography. Multiple women have accused Salling of sexual assault.
Former “Sons of Guns” star Will Hayden was sentenced to life in prison in May for raping two children. Hayden was found guilty of repeatedly raping two female victims for years between the age of 11 and 13-years-old. Hayden’s daughter, Stephanie, who also starred on the show, was arrested in 2014 on allegations of child abuse. She allegedly allowed her son to be physically abused by her husband. She said her father preyed on her as a child, and that her father raped one of the alleged victims “almost daily” for a year.
Earlier this week news broke that Clinton close ally and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein has paid $5.5 million to settle lawsuits filed by three of the more than two dozen teens who sued him. Epstein was accused of recruiting dozens of underage girls as sex slaves and for his wealthy friends. He reportedly trafficked many of the minors on his private island that was visited by Bill Clinton about two dozen times according to flight logs. A source claims Hillary went to the island several times as well. On September 25, a judged sentenced Anthony Weiner, another close ally of the Clintons, to 21 months in jail for sexting with a minor. Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, has worked as Clinton’s top aide while she was Secretary of State and during both of her presidential campaigns.
Not only are most of the elite politicians and celebrities arrested tied to the Clintons, many of them are Democrats. There’s a staggering 11 liberal mayors accused of child sex-related crimes since 2016. Also, authorities arrested Mayor Bill de Blasio staffer and CNN guest Jacob Schwartz for child porn in New York on May 25. Schwartz had 3,000 images of child porn including the rape of a 6-month-old baby. Schwartz’s father, Arthur Schwartz, is a labor lawyer and a prominent Democratic insider. Even though Schwartz appeared on CNN, the network has refused to cover this story to this day. I confronted Jake Tapper on video over the summer at Politicon and asked him why CNN has refused to cover the arrest of Schwartz and other elite pedophiles. Tapper was unable to offer me an explanation. Senator Bob Menendez is accused of sleeping with multiple prostitutes in the Dominican Republic including a minor. The Democratic senator from New Jersey is currently on trial for bribery and corruption charges.
Although most of the elite pedophiles who have been arrested are registered Democrats, there are some big name Republicans involved in pedophilia-related scandals too. Former Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shortey was charged with child sex trafficking, production of child pornography and two counts of transportation of child pornography involving a prepubescent girl and young boys in March. The former Republican senator attempted to solicit sex from a 17-year-old boy. Shortey was elected to the Oklahoma Senate in 2010 and served till he resigned after his arrest earlier this year. A new accuser filed a lawsuit against Dennis Hastert in May alleging the former Speaker of the House sodomized him decades ago. Hastert was indicted in 2015 for paying hush money to victims he admitted to molesting when they were children as he served as their wrestling coach from 1965 to 1981.
Shockingly, many of the pedophile-related arrests under Trump’s Department of Justice have included law enforcement and judicial elites who are in positions that require them to protect children from pedophiles. For example, former Virginia sex crimes detective Bruce Arlie Harvey pleaded guilty in August to multiple charges of sex crimes against children. Harvey, who also worked as a karate instructor, sexually abused multiple female students who were approximately 13-years-old. The abuse of the children last several years. Former Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department psychologist Michael Dane Ward was convicted in August of multiple sexual assaults of two young children. He faces a possible life sentence for the crimes, which involved oral copulation, sodomy and lewd acts on children under the age of 10.
Palm Beach County sheriff’s deputy Adam W. Godbey is facing child pornography charges after more than 30 images and videos were found on a cellphone and laptop at his home. Authorities arrested Godbey after a tip was sent to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children about child porn being uploaded to a website. Godbey was hired by the sheriff’s office in 2013. Former well-respected Massachusetts cop Richard Woodhead plead guilty to child pornography charges in April. The 54-year-old was placed on administrative leave and has since retired.
New York Sheriff’s Deputy Peter Farnum was arrested on child porn charges in July. The Saratoga County officer is accused of using a home computer to download and store more than 14,000 files of child pornography. Former DC police officer Chukwuemeka Ekwonna was indicted in August on charges of sex trafficking of minors and enticement of minors to engage in prostitution. Prosecutors say that in June of 2012 Ekwonna exchanged messages with minors – including a 14 and 15-year-old girl – offering to pay them to engage in sex acts with him. Ekwonna met up with the 15-year-old in January and allegedly pointed a handgun at the victim in the back seat of his car and demanded she give him back the money he had just paid her.

Former Secret Service agent Lee Robert Moore was sentenced to 20 years in prison on Thursday for sending sexually explicit messages to minors while on duty at the White House. Moore plead guilty in March to enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity and attempting to transfer obscene materials to a minor. He was fired after his arrest in 2015. Authorities charged California’s former deputy attorney general Raymond Joseph Liddy, 53, with possession of child porn in Julyafter they found images of children engaging in sexual conduct on a computer and a thumb drive in his home. Liddy is the son of former FBI agent and lawyer G. Gordon Liddy. G directed the burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in June of 1972 in the Watergate scandal.
These elite pedophile arrests are just the tip of the iceberg. Weinstein was the first big domino to fall in Hollywood. However, you can rest assured that many more elite child sexual predators – particularly big names in DC and in the entertainment business – will be arrested. When the full truth comes out about how rampant child sex trafficking is in this country, particularly among the elites, the public will remember who had the courage to address this horrendous issue and who chose to turn a blind eye to the rape and torture of infants and kids. As Navy Seal and founder of Veterans for Child Rescue Craig Sawyer has stated, Trump is dedicated to stopping this evil that’s plagued our great nation for far too long. “We’ve got a President now who’s not OK with children being raped and tortured to death so thank God,” Sawyer said.
Liz Crokin is an award winning investigative journalist, author of Malice and regular contributor to the Hagmann and Hagmann Report.
If you are able, please support Liz Crokin’s ongoing fight against child trafficking with prayer and by clicking here.

Nicky Hilton Rothschild and MKUltra
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posted on Dec, 27 2017 @ 12:20 AMlink I never believed in the conspiracy-theory that said that the “Illuminati” were using MKUltra to program children to be “sex kittens” and “sex bunnies”. But looking through Nicky Hilton Rothschilds Instagram account, I stumbled upon posts of hers that look interesting, should all that one day turn out to be true.
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Pizzagate anyone?
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Hugh Hefner Sex-Bunny-Handler & CIA Blackmailer? Another photo I did not download shows her beside playboy magazines.
Yeah…she’s affiliated with Terry Richardson, who has been in the news for “brutal sexual assault” recently.
They say MKUltra programming is linked to fairy-tale stories.
Notice the goathorns as well as the peculiar mouth symbolism.
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There are more pizza-pics on her page but I didnt download them. Notice how one of the commenters calls her a “negative influence”.
Why is that? Its just an innocent pizza, right?
No comment.
Lookup “Panda” in this context. I dont want to go into it here.
Lots of Bunny and Kitty Symbolism on her Instagram account. Way too much to post here.
She likes Britney…who they say is also MKUltra victim.
I sure hope there is nothing to any of this and Im just reading too much into it.