This Blog Dares to Say What Other Blogs Dare Not Say: Rothschild Zionists Control USA!
This is Zion logo at Olympics

The Zionist Occupied US Government Is A “Super Predator” Helping Satanic Zionists Destroy Nations
Uprooted Palestinian: The Zionist Infestation Of Africa …
Zionist funded PACs Control Washington, D.C. via their Lobbyists.
All Media in United States is Zionist Media.
U.K. i Also a Zionist Occupied Government As Evidenced by This Article Below:
A Frank Discussion of Jewish Group Dynamics
July 2, 2006
In “Politics”
“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”
May 17, 2008
“However no man spoke openly of him for fear of the Jews” (John 7:13)
MAY 9, 2013 303 VIEWS
The extent to which Jewish Supremacists have much of the western world in thrall has been illustrated once again in Britain with the news that a female lawyer who objected to a pushy orthodox Jew who queue jumped at a medical center has been criminally prosecuted and fined for saying she did not like Jews.
The astonishing story—perhaps something more like out of Orwell’s 1984 than reality—was reported in Britain’s Daily Mail.
According to the article, lawyer Danielle Morris who said “I cannot stand Jewish people” during an office rant “has been left with a huge legal bill after a discrimination case was brought against her by a former colleague.”
Ms Morris, 34, was the subject of a three-and-a-half year investigation in front of two legal tribunals and almost lost her career after she made the remark during an office conversation.
The mother-of-two complained after a Orthodox Jew jumped the queue at a medical center while she was waiting to take one of her children to see a doctor.
Later she relayed the incident in the presence of a Jewish cashier at her law practice in Rossendale, Lancashire.
After making her comment, the unnamed cashier said: “Please do not say that” but Mrs Morris added: “But Mrs Morris went on: ‘I don’t care, I cannot stand them ever since an incident at Bardoc.” (Bardoc is the name of the clinic where the queue-jumping occurred.)
Three months after the incident in December 2009, the cashier left the law firm – then brought a racial and religious claim against Mrs Morris and the practice and won an undisclosed sum in damages.
Mrs Morris herself was then hauled before the Solicitor’s Regulation Authority (SRA) after a further complaint of discrimination by the cashier.
Yesterday, in a ruling made public for the first time, it emerged Mrs Morris has been fined £2,500 and ordered to pay £5,250 in costs following a hearing in London.
Her own legal costs are thought to be £1,000 and the incident is believed to have cost in total tens of thousands of pounds in further solicitors’ costs and compensation.
Earlier the SRA was told the incident occurred after Mrs Morris had been made redundant from her job as assistant solicitor at an accident claims firm and was working her notice.
Trouble began after she attended the Bardoc medical centre in Bury with her baby. The hearing was told a man dressed in Orthodox Jewish attire ’caused a scene’ at the surgery and as a result was seen first by a doctor.
The cashier known as Mrs S made a formal complaint to the firm’s senior partner but left the company ahead of an offer of an apology from the practice if ‘any offence had been unwittingly caused.’
In May 2011 a four-day employment tribunal was held in which Mrs Morris and the firm was found to have racially and religiously discriminated against Mrs S and she was awarded damages.
But in May last year Mrs Morris was then brought before the SRA following a further complaint of discrimination by Mrs S about the incident.
This then, is the state of the modern Britain: where even to say one dislikes Jews in public is a criminal offence.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”—Voltaire
A Frank Discussion of Jewish Group Dynamics
Fined: Lawyer Danielle Morris, pictured, said ‘I cannot stand Jewish people’ during an office rant below.
Admin: Now she really has good reason not to be able to stand ‘them.’
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National Bugle Radio Shows
National Bugle Radio Shows
AUGUST 22, 2018
Dr Duke: Yes! Yes! Yes! Trump Says He Will Meet with Iran Leaders with “No Preconditions” & Proves the Zionist Treason in Support of ISIS and al Qaeda!
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JULY 31, 2018