The Anti-New York Time-More Censorship & A Fresh Example of How Zionist Israel Controls US Media

From the article cited above (appearing February 27, 2017):
“Israel’s official Holocaust memorial has asked Amazon to stop selling literature on its site that denies the genocide of 6 million Jews during and otherwise promotes anti-Semitism.
Yad Vashem’s director of libraries Robert Rozett says he has dispatched a letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos offering his assistance to “curb the spread of hatred.”
Rozett says Sunday that Yad Vashem has approached Amazon before on the subject but the internet retailing giant insisted it would not halt sales of offensive and inciting material, citing freedom of information. Rozett says he hoped that given the recent spike in anti-Semitic incidents in the United States, particularly a vandalism attack on a Jewish cemetery near St. Louis, Amazon would reconsider its position.
He says he has yet to hear back.”
It all makes perfect sense now! A few false-flag attacks, VP Pence shows up to repair a Jewish Cemetery, and Vad Yashem makes yet another plea to Amazon.
From a Breitbart article dated February 27, 2017:
“Yad Vashem’s (Holocaust Museum) director of the libraries, Dr. Robert Rozett, penned an appeal to the CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, in which he called on the online site to “curb the spread of hatred.”“Once again, given the presence of antisemitism around the globe, which has become more prevalent in recent years, we strongly urge you to remove books that deny, distort and trivialize the Holocaust from your store,” Rozett wrote to Bezos.” (here)
Sad news to report, boys and girls.
After years of ignoring letters from “the usual suspects,” Mr. Bezos has finally caved into pressure to remove books denying disproving the Holocaust TM from the webpages of Amazon. Among the titles that suddenly disappeared down the Orwellian memory hole was ‘The Bad War’ — my main best-seller and personal “bread & butter” piece that had hundreds of positive reviews. Here is the blunt E-mail received from Amazon:
We’re contacting you regarding the following book: The Bad War: The Truth NEVER Taught About World War II. During our review process, we found that this content is in violation of our content guidelines. As a result, we cannot offer this book for sale.
We will still sell the book through this website, of course, (here) and have it shipped third-party from another self-publishing service. But having lost access to Amazon’s awesome marketing and distribution machine, we expect sales to drop by at least 80%. On a personal level, I am concerned over the lost revenue stream, angeredover the censorship, and saddened that “newbies” and young students will no longer be introduced to the truth of World War II by Amazon’s mass marketing power. Bastards!
If you appreciate and the assorted books, please help me to offset the forever-lost Amazon & Kindle book sales. What a shame it would be if your intrepid reporter here had to give up digging for truth on a full time basis. A minimum $5 per month sustaining membership or generous one-off donations would be greatly appreciated — as would continued book sales of other titles. Let’s take this lemon and make some lemonade.
Addendum: Surprise — surprise — surprise!
The “anti-Semitic” culprit behind all all those highly publicized 2017 telephoned bomb-threats to Jewish Community Centers in the United States — incidents which were then used to induce Amazon’s book-banning — was captured. It turns out that he…. well …
NBC Headline (May 23, 2017)
Israel Arrests Hacker Linked to Threats on US Jewish Centers
A spokesman for Israel’s public defender office told NBC New York that the suspect suffered from a brain tumor and police have been ordered to have a medical expert evaluate him
A lone-nutcase with a brain tumor, eh? Well played Hymie — well played.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times that Israel is pressuring Amazon to remove Holocaust Denial books.
Boobus Americanus 2: Good! That type of hatred has no place in a free society.
Sugar: Zzzzz Zzzzz Zzzzz.
Editor: Poor Sugar. She’s taking the news of being downgraded from salmon to tuna very hard.
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