How to End the Autism Epidemic, An Idea Whose Time Has Come

How to End the Autism Epidemic, An idea whose time has come
Order now from an independent bookstore near you

     J. B. Handley, our friend, colleague and fellow parent of a vaccine-injured child diagnosed with autism, never does anything in a small way, and he is trying to put his soon to be published book, How to End the Autism Epidemicat the top of the New York Times Bestseller list.

In addition to watching gross sales, and sales at Barnes and Noble and Amazon, the New York Times tracks sales and orders of books at a secret group of independent book stores across the US. We love independent books stores, and to help them and J.B. we encourage you to order a copy at any of the stores below (all thought to be on the NYT list.)


Elliott Bay (Seattle)

Powell’s (Portland, OR)

Tsunami Books (Eugene, OR)

Copperfields (Sonoma County)

Book Passage (Marin County)

Green Apple (San Francisco)

Bookshop Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz)

Vroman’s (Pasadena/LA)

The King’s English (Salt Lake City)

Tattered Cover (Denver)

Boulder Bookstore (Boulder, CO)

Book People (Austin, TX)

Prairie Lights (Iowa City)

Magers & Quinn (Minneapolis)

Left Bank Books (St. Louis)

Women & Children First (Chicago)

Parnassus (Nashville)

Carmichael’s (Louisville)

Malaprop’s (Asheville, NC)

Books and Book (Coral Gables)

Politics & Prose (Washington DC)

McNally Jackson (NYC)

Book Revue (Huntington, NY)

Harvard Bookstore (Cambridge)

Phoenix Books (Burlington, VT)


After you order J.B.’s book, if you value the news, information and advocacy provided to you by the Autism Action Network please make it possible for us to continue to do so by supporting our one fundraiser of the year we do in conjunction with the Autism Community Walk and Resource Fair 2018 by donating here:

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In 2014, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention …


Sub for more: | VAXXED director Dr. Andrew Wakefield is interviewed by Gary Franchi revealing the …

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