Natural News
FDA approves medicine derived from cannabis
Mike Adams The FDA has granted approval to a medicine derived entirely from cannabis. It’s actually just CBDA (cannabidiolic acid), now approved as a medical treatment for certain diseases.

Does this mean the federal government will de-list CBD from its schedule of illicit substances?

Read more in today’s story.

P.S. Tomorrow is the last day of the Sacred Plant series which documents the extraordinary truth of how a single medicinal plant can help prevent and treat a vast array of diseases and conditions. Find out more here.

Ornamental plant, shrubby bushclover, found to have antioxidant properties and potential as an anticancer agentBy Frances Bloomfield | Read the full story
Curb those cravings: 11 foods to help you give up sugar By Frances Bloomfield | Read the full story
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Vaccinated children are more likely to develop OCD and other anxiety disordersBy Vicki Batts | Read the full story
Experts: The “big one” will affect even those not living in CaliforniaBy Isabelle Z. | Read the full story
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Finger millet is a nutritional powerhouse: A review of the nutrients it offersBy Frances Bloomfield | Read the full story
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