Action Alerts!

Pulse of Natural Health Newsletter
onsanto Is Finally Gone… But Not in a Good Way

Monsanto Is Finally Gone… But Not in a Good Way

Bayer’s buyout of the biotech giant will allow Monsanto to hide in the shadows.

Action Alert!

Are Supplements Really Useless?

Are Supplements Really Useless?

Of course not, but that’s what the media would have you believe in the latest hit job on dietary supplements.

Action Alert!

Are Antidepressants to Blame for America's Violence Epidemic?

Are Antidepressants to Blame for America’s Violence Epidemic?

The evidence underscores why the FDA should add a black box warning on SSRIs for increased violent behavior.

Action Alert!

Pulse Videos

School Shootings and Antidepressants

Bayer's Monsanto Name Game


State Action Center
Protect Vaccine Choice in Ohio!

A bill before the Ohio legislature would make it harder for parents to obtain a medical exemption to vaccination.

Click here to protect vaccine choice

Support Naturopathic Licensure in Michigan!

A bill in Michigan would allow for the licensure of naturopathic physicians, which will better equip consumers to choose which kind of practitioner best suits their needs.

Click here to protect integrative doctors

Protect Vaccine Choice in New Jersey!

Two bills in New Jersey, NJ 3818 and S 2173, would make it harder for parents to obtain a religious exemption to vaccination.

Click here to protect vaccine choice


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