Activist Post News

In the 04/22/2018 edition:

The 2018 Food Revolution Summit

We have a food industry that acts like your health doesn’t matter. Pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, GMOs, and toxic, untested chemicals are spreading like a virus through our food supply. NOW, it’s more important than ever to find out the truth.

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Accidental FOIA Reveals Mind Control Documents; Here’s Further Evidence This Technology Exists

Apr 21, 2018 03:58 pm
By Aaron Kesel Journalist Curtis Waltman filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Washington State Fusion Center (which is partnered with Department of Homeland Security) to…

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Army Wants Soldiers to 3D Print A.I. Robot Squid in Future Missions

Apr 21, 2018 02:54 pm
By Nicholas West While most of the news over the last several years has been about the ramp-up of drone use across the planet in…

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Thousands of People in Only One State have Been in Jail for Over a YEAR and Never Proven Guilty

Apr 21, 2018 12:30 pm
By Jack Burns Nearly half a million Americans are currently being held in jail while they are denied their constitutional right to a speedy trial. The…

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How Yulia and Sergei Skripal (and their cat) Saved the World! A Synopsis of the Attack on Syria.

Apr 21, 2018 12:12 pm
By Brett Redmayne-Titley Ah, the “Sorrows of Empire.” Its lies these days so easily exposed. Yet, too often ignored. This past Saturday morning, April 14,…

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From Our Friends:

New Study Warns that Processed Sugar Consumption May be Dumbing Down Young Children
FDA Approves Use of Marijuana Derived CBD Drug for Epilepsy on Eve of 4-20
Cat Walked Back 12 Miles to Family Who Rejected Him and His Face Shows It
Win Prizes For Peace:,, Bitcoin Not Bombs & Many More Team Up For Peace Contest
Amazon Technologies Acquires Patent For Potential Cryptocurrency Marketplace
Telegram And Other Websites Blocked By Russia Including Cryptocurrency Site Steemit
New Study Warns that Processed Sugar Consumption May be Dumbing Down Young Children
Real Food Is a Potent Ally Against Depression
No Such Thing as Chance

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