LPAC Fireside Chat Tonight!

LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat

March 29, 2018 – 9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific

Moderator – Dennis Speed, LaRouchePAC, Manhattan
Guest – Paul Gallagher, EIR Economics Editor

Conference call dial-in number: 641-715-3655
Access code: 787070#

Backup number: 951-262-7373

To ask a question, dial *6 during the call to enter the queue

We also broadcast a live stream over YouTube at LaRouchePAC.com.

Activists, With a $700 trillion plus derivatives bubble set to explode in the financial system, the population is being seriously diverted from addressing its long term survival by the endless day to day British media drivel featuring ever more salacious garbage about Russia! Russia! Russia! and a parade of bimbos with whom the President is alleged to have once had sex. Russia, China, and the United States could, together, establish a new renaissance on the face of the earth. Russia, China, and the Untied States could, together, end the British imperial system and replace it with a new security architecture befitting with it means to be human. Despite what you may think, this possibility is actually at hand, the sudden swift change, as Lyndon LaRouche describes it, by which the new reality emerges suddenly into being.

Join us for tonight’s discussion.

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