Chief Rabbi of Israel Calls Black People ‘Monkeys’

How They Do It–ADL Slams Chief Rabbi of Israel for Calling Black People ‘Monkeys’

by TUT editor

‘Racially charged comment made by Israeli Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, comparing people of color to ‘monkeys,’ is utterly unacceptable’

ed note–all can rest assured several things on this matter–

1. The ‘good Jews’ at the ADL know full well that the ‘good rabbi’ who made these comments did so because this is precisely what Judaism teaches as a religion, and has from its very inception, and

2. The ‘good Jews’ at the ADL are doing what Jews do best in applying the strategy of Israel’s Mossad–‘By way of deception, we shall make war’. Read more of this post

TUT editor | 03/21/2018 at 9:34 |

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