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This Sunday January 28 on Here We Stand
at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern and 11 pm GMT on 
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Naming and Standing Down the Killers: Lessons from Canada’s West Coast
​Canada’s RCMP has led the genocidal assault on indigenous people for a century and a half, and that attack continues. Today’s guest, journalist Merv Richie from Terrace, BC, will present hard evidence linking RCMP officers with the disappearance of aboriginal women on the west coast.​ Merv is presently facing legal persecution by the “Crown” for challenging a media ban on RCMP complicity in these crimes. He will also discuss the “Chinese Connection”.
As part of this discussion, our show will feature practical instruction on how to convene common law inquiries and courts of law, perform citizens’ arrests and deputize police officers under a new sovereign jurisdiction.
Featuring your regular host Kevin Annett.
And here is last week’s premier 2018 Here We Stand program:
​AND go to this link for Kevin’s latest book “At the Mouth of a Cannon”​:
See also and . This show is sponsored by the ITCCS and its West Coast Common Law Grand Jury.
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Kevin Annett was re-nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015. Messages for him can be left at 386-323-5774 (USA). See the evidence of genocide in Canada at and .

Kevin’s seven latest books can be ordered at these sites:


Murder by Decree: ​  (This book is also posted online at )

Truth Tellers’ Shield:

White People in Canada:

Common Law Manual:


Here We Stand:

LISTEN to Kevin’s weekly blog program “Here We Stand” every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern time at  .
Kevin’s award winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at .
The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: – Common Law Court Proceedings – Genocide in Canada  (Part One) – 1 hr. 46 mins. – Common Law Court Proceedings – Genocide in Canada  (Part Two) – 1 hr. 47 mins. – Final Court Verdict and Sentencing – 8 mins. 30 secs. – Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses – 10 mins. – Irene Favel, Eyewitness to the incineration of a newborn baby by a priest at Muscowegan Catholic Indian school, Saskatchewan, 1944 – Other key testimonies from our Court case

The first excavation at a mass grave residential school site: Mohawk school, 2011
See also an insightful personal interview “Who is Kevin Annett?” (2013) at:  and eyewitness to the crimes: Dr. Jennifer Wade at:

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