Manufactured Fake News Explained-Hilarious!



NY Times: About 90 Migrants Feared Dead After Boat Capsizes Near Libya



About once every month or so, your 3/4 Italian reporter here (other 1/4 is Irish) makes it a point to visit a widowed dear old Aunt of mine from the Italian side of the family.  Because “Zia” Flora is a bit hard of hearing, the TV, usually set to an Italian station and which I can somewhat understand, is always really blasting.


Over the course of the past 7 years or so, it seemed like during every visit that the big story on Italian CIA-TV that day was a harrowing account of a boatload of refugees capsizing on route from Libya to Sicily — causing the deaths of many Turd World invaders. Zia breaks out into her usual lament: “Mamma mia! Un’altra volta? Che peccato!” (Oh mother! Again? What a shame!)
1. After Killary and Obongo murdered Qaddafi, Libya became the jumping-off point for the final leg of the human smugglers’ journey into Europe. 2 & 3.“Mamma Mia! Quei poveri Africani!”  (Oh mother! Those poor Africans!”)

1. After Killary and Obongo murdered Qaddafi, Libya became the jumping-off point for the final leg of the human smugglers’ journey into Europe. 2 & 3.“Mamma Mia! Quei poveri Africani!”  (Oh mother! Those poor Africans!”)


It’s really surreal — like a recurring dream that never changes. How can it be that every … single … time (or so it seems) that I pop over to Zia Flora’s for a shot of espresso and some Italian cookies, Italy’s CIA-TV is carrying yet another breathless report about a boatload of invaders perishing in the generally calm Mediterranean Sea? Just do a Google Search for the terms: “Migrants Drown 2010,” “Migrants Drown 2011,” “Migrants Drown 2012,” “Migrants Drown 2013,” “Migrants Drown 2014,” etc. and see what I mean. As we all know, these horror stories do get a fair amount of coverage from the Fake News / Piranha Press here in the USA. But over in Italia, they are enormously hyped like you wouldn’t believe!


Why so many disasters? And why do these human smugglers (who work for NGO’s funded by George Soros) continue to even operate these boats if they are so risky? The answer to this riddle can be solved by observing Aunt Flora’s reaction to the Italian TV News — one that is surely similar to that of many of her former compatriots actually living in Italy (she came to US as a teenager). You see, never once have I heard Zia express any anger or concern over the invasion. The only emotions are of those of pity and empathy. The constant stories of poor drowning “migranti” serve the purpose of neutralizing, or at least mitigating the Italian and European public’s anger over the invasion.


If you haven’t already deduced where we are going with this, let Sugar and I, er, “The Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times spell it out for you in no uncertain terms. We believe that all or most of these “disasters” have been, and continue to be, FAKED with the use of crisis actors, props and even flotation dummies. Have a look at just a few of the many comedy shots that can be found with a bit of searching:




1. “I’m dying! I’m dying!” — Oh the bloody drama!  2. Notice how neatly the closed life-jacket washed up on the beach. 

1. “I’m dying! I’m dying!” — Oh the bloody drama!  2. Notice how neatly the closed life-jacket washed up on the beach. 


1 & 2. Nothing like a “dead toddler” and a “grieving father” to silence Italian anger. How did that kid wash up on shore feet first like that? 3Crisis actor migrant pulled to safety.
1 & 2. Nothing like a “dead toddler” and a “grieving father” to silence Italian anger. How did that kid wash up on shore feet first like that? 3Crisis actor migrant pulled to safety.



1. The guy standing gives the scam away  2. A frickin’ floating plastic dummy to fool the live human dummies of Europe. 3. “You boys wave for the helicopter. Try to look desperate.” 

1. The guy standing gives the scam away  2. A frickin’ floating plastic dummy to fool the live human dummies of Europe. 3. “You boys wave for the helicopter. Try to look desperate.” 


More plastic dummies and child crisis actors.


“Drowning” for the cameras… and for Zia Flora.



In Catholic Zia Flora’s case, Pope Frankie the Fake’s constant calls for “mercy” for his precious “migranti” makes the emotional con-job all the more effective. Although the influence of the Roman Catholic Church has, over the years, waned greatly over in CIA-ruled Italy, the Church still remains an influential moral force for many Italians. Poop Frankie’s role in urging the devout as well as the twice-a-year Catholics to support, or at least passively tolerate, the Turd World invasion is critical for the Globalists.


There are, however, many Italians who are really starting to get pissed-off about this Globalist madness. More and more anti-Establishment politicians are also speaking out and gaining supporters. As the push-back against the Italian Left and Poop Frankie Fakeout over this invasion intensifies, expect more and more boats to allegedly “capsize” as they approach Italian waters. Yes sir. The script writers at Langley may just give my dear old Zia Flora a heart attack yet. And yes, I did try to gently school this wonderful saintly old woman about this scam; but I’m sure “youse guys” (New Jerseyese for the plural of you) can just imagine how that went.




Because the Italian island of Sicily is not that far from North Africa, the Globalists had to mind-rape the people of Italy (also Greece) into pitying the invaders who arrive there and then later fan out though the rest of Europe. The hyped-up fake “drownings” and the relentless “do-gooder” activism of Poop Frankie in Rome are the two most critical ingredients necessary to keep the Italian public sedated.




Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that another boat full of migrants capsized on its way to Italy — 90 dead!

Boobus Americanus 2: Oh my! What a shame? It’s hard not to feel sorry for these poor migrants.



Sugar:  Torpedo all the frickin’ boatss!!! That’ss how I would handle it!

 Editor: That’s really not necessary, psycho. By simply denying them shelter, food and money upon arrival, the word will get out and they will stop coming on their own.



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