Dr. Rima Truth Reports
Is FDA following UK National Health “Service” which just banned Government payment for Homeopathy and Herbal Remedies?
Read more here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/fda-2018-rampage/
Does Health Freedom end when 2017 makes its exit? Yes, if the FDA has its way, Right now, despite the law, FDA is attacking homeopathy to “protect” you. They are the government and they are here to help — Big Pharma.
SUPPORT YOUR HEALTH FREEDOM IN THE NEW YEAR https://www.nsfmarketplace.com/product/support-the-work-of-natural-solutions/
On December 18th FDA issues new regulations that attack homeopathic oral and injectable remedies despite the fact that they are protected by law. This blatant attack on your health freedom choices is part of a long-term, well-financed conspiracy and, sadly, comes as no surprise. On your behalf we told FDA, when they started their “regulatory review” of homeopathy to let our natural remedies alone! *
We have two choices: let Big Pharma and the globalists have their way or force them back, step by step.
We choose forcing them back. We know you do, too. Use and share this link to make your opinion heard: https://fans.vote/ACsU7n6KLLo and then download, print and post this poster at your local health food store:

Take these steps:
1. Make a generous year end tax deductible donation now to our sister organization, the Institute for Health Research, here: www.InHeRe.org
2. Show your support directly to the Natural Solutions Foundation (not tax exempt) here: https://www.nsfmarketplace.com/product/support-the-work-of-natural-solutions/
3. Purchase your immune support, information and Informed Consent support or set up a consultation with Dr. Rima here: https://www.NSFMarketplace.com/mainpage
4. Spread the word and share, share, share, share, share. Resources to share: sign up for our newsletter here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/action/step1/
5. Use and share the Opinion Poll: https://fans.vote/ACsU7n6KLLo
6. Like our FB page: FB/NaturalSolutionsFoundation
7. And Nano Silver too! https://www.nsfmarketplace.com/product-category/nano-silver-10-ppm/
8. Sign up for a supply of seed based nutrition your body will thank you for: http://www.MyRainLife.com/NaturalSolutions
Have as safe and healthy holiday season and a free and informed New Year!
Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation:
Dr. Rima and Counsel Ralph
* We told FDA to leave our natural remedies alone; when they started this latest attack on Homeopathy, back in 2015, here are the comments Counsel Ralph filed with FDA: http://vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom.blogspot.com/2015/06/comments-to-fda-re-homeopathy-fda-has.html
