Freedom Watch & Mueller’s Political Corruption!
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Friend — As a former prosecutor of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, and its current General Counsel and Chairman, I filed a complaint before the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General of the DOJ, demanding an investigation and the eventual removal and prosecution of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Mueller and his conflicted staff — which are Democrat/Clinton political campaign donors and supporters in large part — have illegally leaked grand jury information to harm President Trump, his family and former and present colleagues. The Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility(OPR) and Inspector General (IG) are charged with investigating and remedying unethical and illegal behavior by the special counsel, his office and other DOJ lawyers and staff. Help Freedom Watch Remove, Disbar and Prosecute Crooked Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Special Counsel Mueller derives his authority and powers from the DOJ, as he was appointed by Deputy Attorney General (DAG) Rod Rosenstein — not coincidentally a closet Democrat and President Barack Obama’s former U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Rosenstein have failed and apparently refuse to properly police the illegal grand jury leaks and conflicts of interest of Mueller — putting their own personal, political and professional interests before all else — the job therefore fell upon Freedom Watch to file this complaint to represent the interests of the American people! It’s time to address the sham investigation Mueller has been vindictively pursuing for his friend, a fellow former FBI Director himself, James Comey. The regrettable back story here is that these two DOJ public servants are themselves under investigation by Mueller for their alleged involvement in the imagined collusion with Russia in the case of the AG and the firing of former FBI Director James Comey in the case of Rosenstein. For this and other reasons, which sadly are the norm in our compromised Justice Department, which continues to be loyal to the former administration, not the Trump administration, these two “leaders” have failed so it’s time for US to act! Help Freedom Watch Remove, Disbar and Prosecute Crooked Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Freedom Watch has filed a court complaint to force the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General of the Department of Justice to take appropriate and immediate action, as well as use other lawful measures, such as petitioning Chief Judge Beryl Howell in the D.C. federal court overseeing Mueller’s grand jury investigation to address these issues though an evidentiary hearing. The hearing will be held December 19th in the D.C. Federal Court — just weeks away. To sit back and watch Robert Mueller and his staff’s legal jihad unfold against President Trump and his team with impunity is a huge mistake, and that is why you, the American people, should also intervene and write and email these offices and demand action. In particular, you should also express your extreme displeasure to Sessions and Rosenstein for their failure to police Special Counsel Mueller and the politically compromised Trump-loathing 16 and counting generally leftist prosecuting attorneys he hired at great taxpayer expense to do an unethical and illegal hit on and ultimately destroy our president. Help Freedom Watch Remove, Disbar and Prosecute Crooked Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Finally, the latest outrage to come out of Mueller’s grand jury investigations was disclosed when it was revealed — by leftist CNN, no less — that the special counsel had previously done legal work for a Gen. Michael Flynn company, Ironbridge. Mueller and his equally conflicted staff have been tirelessly working to “burn” Flynn and, now we learn, his son as well at the legal stake. If Ironbridge is one of the companies associated with Flynn or his son under investigation, this conflict of interest could result in Mueller’s ultimate disbarment and other severe penalties, if he had not recused himself from at least this aspect of the ongoing grand jury probe. All of this needs to be investigated by the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General and Chief Judge Beryl Howell, who also needs to hold a mini-trial and put Mueller and his henchmen on the stand to explain and account for their actions. The complaint I filed on behalf of Freedom Watch, the “People’s Justice Department,” speaks for itself. Help Freedom Watch Remove, Disbar and Prosecute Crooked Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Mueller must be removed, along with his conflicted and compromised staff, and then referred to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia for prosecution, as they all have violated their oath of office and the sacrosanct Rules of Criminal Procedure, as well as several provisions of professional codes of conduct for lawyers. So Friend, I urge you to sign your petition, and after you do, please also take this opportunity to make a generous contribution of $25, $50, $75, $100 or even more right now to empower our legal fight to expose and combat the “Deep State” war against President Trump and our freedom! God Bless You and Your family! Yours in Freedom, Sincerely, Larry Klayman |