FCC Votes on Thursday. Take Action!


FCC votes on Thursday. Take action.


DEC 12, 2017 — In two days, the FCC is set to vote for the repeal of net neutrality rules. You signed this petition so you know how important this vote is. Starting today, the Battle for the Net coalition has put together a long list of ways for you to take action over the next 48hrs.

The “Break the Internet” protest makes it easy to utilize your own website, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram — however you want to make your voice heard. You’ll find sample tweets, Instagram photos, and creative ways to use Facebook here:

You can also easily call your members of Congress using this simple call tool:

Over 1.3 million people have signed this petition. Coming together over the next few days to drive online actions and phone calls could make all the difference. And if you haven’t read Change.org Campaign Director Jon Perri’s piece in Mashable about how killing net neutrality could hurt digital activism platforms like Change.org, please read and share it as well: http://on.mash.to/2l3Odow

Thank you again for taking action to save net neutrality!

How killing net neutrality will hurt online protests and free speech
Editor’s note : Jonathan Perri is the North American Director of Campaigns & Partnerships at…

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