Is Identity Politics Brewing a Holocaust?
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Is Identity Politics Brewing a Holocaust?
Paul Craig Roberts
Signs of American collapse are everywhere. Apparently no one notices. The world continues to vote with the US in the UN. When even Russia and China serve as handmaidens to US foreign policy by voting with Washington against North Korea, it appears that the image of America as the exceptional and indispensable country is a propaganda success even among Washington’s most threatened enemies. When Russia and China follow Washington’s lead, it shows the world that there is no alternative to Washington’s leadership.
A country with a $20 trillion public debt, an even larger private debt, a work force drowning in debt and employed in third world lowly paid domestic services, a stock market pumped up beyond all reason by Federal Reserve liquidity and companies using their profits to repurchase their own stock, a military that’s been tied down for 16 years by a few lightly armed Muslims, a propaganda ministry instead of a media with public ignorance the consequence, and with a total collapse of morality in public and private institutions along with the disappearance of courage, is nevertheless able to make the entire world dance to its tune. Washington is the Wizard of Oz.
Washington in the past 16 years has destroyed in whole or part seven countries, murdering, maiming, orphaning, widowing, and displacing millions of peoples. Yet Washington still presents itself as the great defender of human rights, democracy, and all that is good. The American people have voiced few words of protest against the massive crimes against humanity committed by “their” government.
The UN has not passed a resolution condemning the United States government for its endless aggressions, horrendous war crimes and illegal interventions against other countries.
Washington relies on threats and not diplomacy, and this is acceptable to the world. The UN sits as an American Approval Society because it is funded by American money.
Security agencies have become police state agencies, and they have transformed the obligation in the US military code to report war crimes into acts of treason that result in prison sentences. The US military code, just like the US Constitution and the laws that enforce it, is dead letter law, ignored and uninforced.
Consider the case of Bradley/Chelsea Manning. Bradley Manning released a film showing US troops murdering journalists, pedestrians, a good samaritan and his children as if it were a video game. These murders are war crimes. But it was Manning, who revealed them, not those who committed them, who was punished.
After release from prison Chelsea Manning was recently appointed by Harvard University’s Kennedy School as a visiting fellow. Most likely Harvard made the appointment to show support for the transgendered, not for truth-tellers wrongly convicted and turned into felons. The consequence was an uproar. I mean, really, how dare Harvard appoint a truth-teller. Manning might bring the entire Matrix crumbling down.
To prevent that Mike Morell, former deputy and acting director of the CIA, resigned his non-resident senior fellowship at Harvard, on the grounds that he “cannot be part of an organization that honors a convicted felon and leaker of classified information.” Morell is comfortable with his opposition to Manning as a truth-teller. Morell is concerned only that he might be perceived as biased against the transgendered. So Morell added to his resignation letter that “It is important to note that I fully support Ms. Manning’s rights as a transgender American, including the right to serve our country in the US military.”
Remember, Morell is the crazed immoralist who said on the Charlie Rose TV show that the US should start killing Russians to give them a message. It should scare Americans to death that such an insane person as Morell can reach the top ranks of the CIA.
Harvard, of course, collapsed under CIA pressure and cancelled Manning’s appointment.
Did anyhone complain to Harvard about Morell’s appointment? Morell, unlike Manning, is a real felon, although a non-convicted one. As a CIA official, Morell is associated with the CIA torture program, a felony under both US and international law. Harvard and Morell are OK with torture, but telling the truth about it is a no-no. As Morell sees it, it is not damaging for America to commit war crimes as long as Manning doesn’t tell anyone about it.
The only reason for classifying information is to protect the government’s endless crimes from exposure. Yet the entirety of the US government, law schools, and the courts that are supposed to uphold the law, are silent about the policy that makes government crimes undiscoverable and that condemns whistleblowers who reveal the otherwise undiscoverable crimes.
So, what do we make of Harvard’s courage? Is F minus a low enough grade? In my day universities were not despicable cowards who serve as front men for government crimes.
As embarassing as this story is to America, let’s get to what is the most interesting element. Morell is not embarassed about supressing a truth-teller who revealed US war crimes, but Morell is embarassed to be at odds with Identity Politics. He is afraid of being seen as being in opposition to a transgendered person.
In other words, Identity Politics trumps truth, a point that cannot be emphasized too much. We see it everywhere, from statue removal to the Democratic Party turning on the working class, now defined by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee as racist, sexist, homophobic, white male gun nuts. Today both American political parties represent the armaments industries, the jobs offshoring corporations, and the big banks and Wall Street. No political party represents the American people.
Indeed, the people are chopped up into groups and turned against one another. That is the purpose of Identity Politics. Every group except white heterosexual males is a victim group, and women, blacks, hispanics, homosexuals, and transgendered are taught that it is not the armaments industries, the offshoring corporations, the financial sector, or Washington that is their enemy, but white heterosexual males, a group conflated by Identity Politics with the working class. Of course, women, blacks, hispanics, and homosexuals are also members of the working class, but they no longer see themselves that way. They see themselves as women, as black, as hispanic, as homosexual and as victims not of government and the powerful interest groups government serves but as victims of white males. And of “civil war” statues.
The controversy over the statue of Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the Confederate States of America, is again in the news. Attacks on statues are one of the ways that the liberal/progressive/left teaches hate. First the hate seizes upon statues, inanimate objects. As we saw in the videos of the statue of the Confederate soldier that was pulled down, the desecrators of a public monument spit upon and kicked the statue as if it were a person.
To the ignorant rabble the inanimate object is a stand-in for a racist white southern male who the ignorant rabble think “fought for slavery.” And the hate doesn’t stop there. It extends back to the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution. The ignorant rabble, no doubt university students and bus-ins paid for by we don’t know who, regard the Constitution as a racist document written by racists, because it required the return of run-away property (slaves) to their owners. The rabble is incapable of comprehending that in the 18th century slavery was legal and a part of many societies. The ignorant rabble believe that slavery was a product not of an absence of a labor force but of white hate of darker-skinned people. The liberal/progressive/left teach that whites enslaved blacks because whites are racists.
As Roger D.McGrath makes clear in the June 2017 issue of Chronicles, and as innumerable historians such as the socialist Karl Polanyi have made clear, every race has been enslaved. In North America the Irish were bought and sold. But ideologues selling hate don’t care about facts. Spreading hate is their purpose, truth be damned. As the liberal/progressive/left is primarily white, the hate that they preach is going to come back and bite them. Hard.
When you consider that the white populations in the US, UK, Europe, and Canada are becoming minority groups due to heavy non-white immigration and the large differences in fertility rates, what is the consequence for whites in the future of being portrayed as hated oppressors? It is not possible to teach hate and not expect it to be expressed in political action. Will white people become in their own countries like Jews in Nazi Germany?
The French writer Jean Raspail explored this question in 1973 in The Camp of the Saints. Forty-four years ago the book was a best seller. My guess is that today reading it or even mentioning it is considered proof that you are a racist. There are so many limits on what can be discussed today that awareness of the present era is denied to those living in it.
On September 12 while I was beset by Hurricane Irma, which deposited a large red oak tree on my house and kept me locked in a mountain community with blocked roads for three days without telephone, Chris Roberts (no relation) writing in the online Unz Review reminded us of the prophetic story of the collapse of the French nation in the face of non-white immigration:
This is more or less what is happening today, not only to France but to the entire Western world. Perhaps the whites deserve it. Perhaps it will be an improvement. But the fact is that no one is permitted to say anything about it. Marine Le Pen says France is for the French, not for Africa and the Middle East, and she and her political party are said to be racists, fascists, nazis because she says France is for the French.
This is what Jean Raspail almost a half century ago said would happen. Whites would be psychologically unable to defend themselves even though they had overwhelming military and economic power.
Let us consider the massive non-white immigration into the West. The German businesses wanted the Turks as a work force. The American agribusiness, slaughter houses, and construction industry wanted Mexicans as a work force. Canada wanted population. The British and European colonial powers justified their colonialism by making citizenship status available to their colonies. In other words, empire led to reverse invasion. In the 21st century the West is experiencing massive immigration of peoples displaced by Washington’s endless wars and Western economic plundering. We are killing them over there so that they come over here.
Put together high non-white immigration with Identity Politics, which is a creation of Jewish cultural Marxists that has become the official ideology of the West’s liberal/progressive/left, and the result is a possible holocaust for white people. The Jews, who think of themselves as separate from the white goy, are seen by the rest of the world as white and the worst thereof. The originators of Identity Politics themselves will be victims of their own doctrine.
Indeed, Identity Politics prevents white people from recognizing and, if a few do, from protesting their destiny as potential victims of a political doctrine capable of brewing a holocaust.
The West is schizophrenic. On one hand Washington’s continuing slaughter, supported by Canada, Europe, Australia, and the UK, of dark-skinned peoples, serves as proof that the Western world is guilty of murder and plunder of non-white peoples. On the other hand Western governments welcome with open arms the refugees fleeing from the West’s wars and economic oppression. Identity Politics makes certain that Western populations will grovel in guilt even as the Western governments commit more crimes against non-whites, thus ensuring the growth of the immigrant population.
The non-whites will have their revenge. Who is to say the imbecilic whites didn’t bring it upon themselves?
Identity Politics in action:
My Comment: First Morrell, ex CIA, knows the Trannie policy is ZIONIST policy who control presidents and both parties. ZIONIST Foundations Monies control presidents of universities because without this money universities may cease to exist. 90% of slave traders were ZIONISTS! The Communist Marxists at American Universities are preaching Rothschild Zionist Communism. If they do not they WILL LOSE THEIR POSITIONS meaning jobs and tenure. Welcome to Totalitarian/Marxist America! Destroyed by ZIONIST DESIGN! Corporatocracy rules and these are an evil ZIONIST CREATION.

About Corporations:
The progenitors of the modern corporation were the chartered companies, such as the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the Hudson’s Bay Company, which were created to …
Ownership and control
My Comment: Dutch East India Company was a ZIONIST op/British Monarchy Zionists from the GET GO!
Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States
When American colonists declared independence from England in 1776, they also freed themselves from control by English corporations that extracted their wealth and dominated trade. After fighting a revolution to end this exploitation, our country’s founders retained a healthy fear of corporate power and wisely limited corporations exclusively to a business role. Corporations were forbidden from attempting to influence elections, public policy, and other realms of civic society.
Initially, the privilege of incorporation was granted selectively to enable activities that benefited the public, such as construction of roads or canals. Enabling shareholders to profit was seen as a means to that end. The states also imposed conditions (some of which remain on the books, though unused) like these*:
- Corporate charters (licenses to exist) were granted for a limited time and could be revoked promptly for violating laws.
- Corporations could engage only in activities necessary to fulfill their chartered purpose.
- Corporations could not own stock in other corporations nor own any property that was not essential to fulfilling their chartered purpose.
- Corporations were often terminated if they exceeded their authority or caused public harm.
- Owners and managers were responsible for criminal acts committed on the job.
- Corporations could not make any political or charitable contributions nor spend money to influence law-making.
For 100 years after the American Revolution, legislators maintained tight controll of the corporate chartering process. Because of widespread public opposition, early legislators granted very few corporate charters, and only after debate. Citizens governed corporations by detailing operating conditions not just in charters but also in state constitutions and state laws. Incorporated businesses were prohibited from taking any action that legislators did not specifically allow.
States also limited corporate charters to a set number of years. Unless a legislature renewed an expiring charter, the corporation was dissolved and its assets were divided among shareholders. Citizen authority clauses limited capitalization, debts, land holdings, and sometimes, even profits. They required a company’s accounting books to be turned over to a legislature upon request. The power of large shareholders was limited by scaled voting, so that large and small investors had equal voting rights. Interlocking directorates were outlawed. Shareholders had the right to remove directors at will.
In Europe, charters protected directors and stockholders from liability for debts and harms caused by their corporations. American legislators explicitly rejected this corporate shield. The penalty for abuse or misuse of the charter was not a plea bargain and a fine, but dissolution of the corporation.
In 1819 the U.S. Supreme Court tried to strip states of this sovereign right by overruling a lower court’s decision that allowed New Hampshire to revoke a charter granted to Dartmouth College by King George III. The Court claimed that since the charter contained no revocation clause, it could not be withdrawn. The Supreme Court’s attack on state sovereignty outraged citizens. Laws were written or re-written and new state constitutional amendments passed to circumvent the (Dartmouth College v Woodward) ruling. Over several decades starting in 1844, nineteen states amended their constitutions to make corporate charters subject to alteration or revocation by their legislatures. As late as 1855 it seemed that the Supreme Court had gotten the people’s message when in Dodge v. Woolsey it reaffirmed state’s powers over “artificial bodies.”
But the men running corporations pressed on. Contests over charter were battles to control labor, resources, community rights, and political sovereignty. More and more frequently, corporations were abusing their charters to become conglomerates and trusts. They converted the nation’s resources and treasures into private fortunes, creating factory systems and company towns. Political power began flowing to absentee owners, rather than community-rooted enterprises.
The industrial age forced a nation of farmers to become wage earners, and they became fearful of unemployment–a new fear that corporations quickly learned to exploit. Company towns arose. and blacklists of labor organizers and workers who spoke up for their rights became common. When workers began to organize, industrialists and bankers hired private armies to keep them in line. They bought newspapers to paint businessmen as heroes and shape public opinion. Corporations bought state legislators, then announced legislators were corrupt and said that they used too much of the public’s resources to scrutinize every charter application and corporate operation.
Government spending during the Civil War brought these corporations fantastic wealth. Corporate executives paid “borers” to infest Congress and state capitals, bribing elected and appointed officials alike. They pried loose an avalanche of government financial largesse. During this time, legislators were persuaded to give corporations limited liability, decreased citizen authority over them, and extended durations of charters.
Attempts were made to keep strong charter laws in place, but with the courts applying legal doctrines that made protection of corporations and corporate property the center of constitutional law, citizen sovereignty was undermined. As corporations grew stronger, government and the courts became easier prey. They freely reinterpreted the U.S. Constitution and transformed common law doctrines.
One of the most severe blows to citizen authority arose out of the 1886 Supreme Court case of Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad. Though the court did not make a ruling on the question of “corporate personhood,” thanks to misleading notes of a clerk, the decision subsequently was used as precedent to hold that a corporation was a “natural person.” This story was detailed in “The Theft of Human Rights,” a chapter in Thom Hartmann’s recommended book Unequal Protection.
From that point on, the 14th Amendment, enacted to protect rights of freed slaves, was used routinely to grant corporations constitutional “personhood.” Justices have since struck down hundreds of local, state and federal laws enacted to protect people from corporate harm based on this illegitimate premise. Armed with these “rights,” corporations increased control over resources, jobs, commerce, politicians, even judges and the law.
A United States Congressional committee concluded in 1941, “The principal instrument of the concentration of economic power and wealth has been the corporate charter with unlimited power….”
Many U.S.-based corporations are now transnational, but the corrupted charter remains the legal basis for their existence. At Reclaim Democracy!, we believe citizens can reassert the convictions of our nation’s founders who struggled successfully to free us from corporate rule in the past. These changes must occur at the most fundamental level — the U.S. Constitution.
We are indebted to our friends at the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy (POCLAD) for their research, adapted with permission for this article. Sources include:
- Taking Care of Business: Citizenship and the Charter of Incorporation by Richard L. Grossman and Frank T. Adams (published by POCLAD) was a primary source
- The Transformation of American Law, Volume I & Volume II by Morton J. Horwitz
Please visit our Corporate Personhood page for a huge library of articles exploring this topic more deeply. You might also be interested to read out proposed Constitutional Amendments to revoke Illegitimate corporate power, erode the power of money over elections, and establish an affirmative constitutional right to vote.

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