By Staś
Many in the truth movement believe it is all over. Trump fired General Flynn in error and it’s all over, or ‘Trump was a puppet of the Jewish power to begin with’.
Well I miss General Flynn also. Yet Trump continues. (His son tweeted about Pizzagate let him go.)
Deal maker Trump makes a mistake and then he moves on.
Many prominent figures in the so-called ‘alternative media’ (alternative to what, we should ask?) have turned on Trump. They have surrendered. They are convinced he is a sell out or a puppet being marionetted by his Jewish son in law.
On the flip side many very pro-Israel Trump fans have remained (or make the appearances thereof) firmly affixed to the Trump train, despite his making the same kinds of noises that ended the life of JFK and the livelihoods of other presidents such as Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush and in one case–that of Bill Clinton–resulted in an impeachment, those noises of course being the 2 words that can never be spoken by any elected official in the US –’Palestinian State’.
Co-opting the “Trump Train? I think so.
Social media sites revel in the fact that many who are very pro-Israel and very anti-Muslim remain alleged strong supports of Trump. It’s as if they want Trump to eliminate the ‘Muslim enemy’. Notice that many are not careful to neither isolate their rage nor focus it against only ISIS.
Among them popular porn stars Brandi Love and Jenna Jameson have made their pro-Trump and pro-Israel views known.
There are a lot of pro-Trump ‘alternative’ media pundits that focus on more or less all-out war with the Muslim world, among them Paul Joseph Watson of Alex Jones’ Infowars and Stefan Molyneux.
They discuss a lot of interesting topics and confront “Social Marxism” and other important issues but seem to skillfully guide their fan base into supporting Israel’s ‘Clash of civilizations’ pitting the Christian West and Islamic East–together making up half the world’s populations–against each other in perpetual conflict.
Trump a populist had expressed wishes for better relations with Russia. The powerful “CIA controlled’ media blocked Trump. Instead of supporting the Commander in Chief to whom is owed their allegiance, instead, the US intelligence agencies singing in perfect harmony with the same ‘alternative’ media who have made their mistrust of the various intelligence organs acting as support columns for the ‘New World Order’, turned on him.
Without any substantive supporting evidence to make their case, Trump has been called an “Israeli Puppet“ by many prominent figures in the ‘alternative’ media.
The truth is however that the degree to which exists the blacklash against organized Jewish power by Gentiledom is unknown, as honest and accurate polls measuring Gentile discontent with Judaic rule of the western world do not exist.
But it is clear however, despite the absence of any polls, that discontent worldwide continues to grow. Everyday the BDS movement continues to gain momentum and a Gentile world that is feeling the toxic effects of Judaic overdose continues dry heaving in trying to put as much distance between itself and the political/spiritual/social/religious irritant that has been the cause of so much discomfort for thousands of years.
However, because of the Jewish American ‘entertainment complex’, many people are still very Judaized in their thoughts, words, and actions. They love they culture and politics created by Jewish Hollywood. Many mold their view of the ‘Trump Revolution’ to fit this.
And yet it is clear that some know ‘the score’. So people on the Trump train–albeit unseen and unheard–know that the term ‘Illuminati’ that fairs so prominently in so many neighborhoods within the alternative’ media means something else and as such can’t speak openly about it.
In addition, the establishment media in the Western World is completely controlled by wealthy Jews, and as such, the public either buys into the negative press about Trump and Putin or is forced–oftentimes beyond their own capabilities–to read between the lines.
Some in the west are bold enough or interested enough to investigate further and they seek and find the so called alternative media.
Incredibly some in the alternative media (or the even bolder ‘anti-Jewish’ media say Trump and even Putin are ‘sell-outs’ or else “controlled by Jews’.
I say the opposite is true. Because of Jewish Imperial overreach much of the world is starting to rebel. Short of this, they have become slaves but are so damaged by having lived under Judaic rule for so long and with such over-exposure that they are not fit enough to fight Jewish Power. That is an angle of this battle that has seldom been addressed.
I do not buy into the myth of Trump as ‘a puppet’. Rather, I see him as a living, breathing nightmare for the ‘real NWO’, or at least for part of it.
I view this as Deep State vs. Deep State.
If Trump is an ‘Israeli Puppet’ then why the need to continue an all-out assault on him from both political parties?
If Trump was a 100% an ‘agent for Jewish power,’ they would have by now picked a “useful identity’ for him and run him in place at some and used him for their intended purposes.
Instead, Trump is all over the place on many issues. He has his enemy on the run at times. For instance ‘Russiagate’ is not working. They cannot make it stick, and so now, the gear-change is ‘Trump is insane’.
When and if he fully caves to Jewish power we will know, because it will be war. I have faith that he will hold on and win.
In the case of JFK who is now being attacked carefully by the media, they are chipping away, bit by bit, at the legacy of one of America’s finest Presidents. It is now quite open the JFK and his father were quite ‘anti-semitic’.
Michael Collins Piper in his groundbreaking book ‘Final Judgment’ made it all too clear that John F. Kennedy had become embroiled in a bitter, behind-the-scenes battle with Israel. In fact, Kennedy was at war with Judea, Inc.
JFK is a good example of demonstrating the complex relationship gentiles have when trying to become President, trying to remain president while being forced to deal with the State of Israel that seeks to take over and/or destroy every nation on earth.
Do not forget how complex this gets.
Michael Collins Piper writes in Final Judgement of JFK’s powerful father Joseph P. Kennedy having an astounding conversation with the anti-Jewish activist Dewest Hooker–
‘Kennedy said, ‘I’ve done everything I can to fight the Jewish power over this country. I tried to stop World War II, but I failed. I’ve made all the money I need and now I’m passing everything I’ve learned on to my sons.” “I don’t go with the ‘loser’,” Kennedy told me. ‘I’ve joined the `winners.’ I’m going to work with the Jews. I’m teaching my boys the whole score and they’re going to work with the Jews. I’m going to make Jack the first Irish Catholic President of the United States and if it means working with the Jews, so be it.’
Later JFK and RFK would go after the Mafia and the Jewish power with everything they had.
Trump of course has had to publicly declare his love of Israel and will continue to do so out in the open. His true feelings are unknown. Let his actions speak for him.
Trump takes a lot of thinly veiled shots at the very left and very Jewish controlled media on Twitter.
Trump has not gotten rid of ISIS yet but he has not protected them as Obama had.
Trump had the FBI bust the Mossad operative that was calling in endless terror threats.
Trump continues to hound the Israelis with talk of a ‘2 state solution’ and peace in the ME. On July 6th 2017 Trump recognized the contribution and suffering of Polish Gentiles during WWII. Most world leaders bow before the establish Jewish American view of Polish WWII history. This was huge.
Trump has been hounded by the DNC and much of the RNC and the media regarding ‘Russian election meddling’.
Election meddling by Russia has joined the phrase ‘Russia annexed the Crimea’ and has been drummed into the minds of the western Gentile world.
Yet they can’t make it stick. In fact Trump has quietly fired back by remaining steadfast with his Middle East Peace plan.
Trump is more of an Alpha male type and as such makes Bibi Netanyahu uneasy. Trump refuses to bow, bend and kiss to Bibi the way other Presidents have.
Putin has also taken the alpha position away from Bibi away as well.
On June 28th 2017 Congressman Schiff, Jewish DNC member openly said he is calling for the impeachment of Trump.
It is true Trump could fold at any time because the system is too powerful. But he has half of the USA with him. And a lot of the rank and file cops and military are with him as well.
I think we will discover more and more why ‘the system’ pulled out all the stops in an attempt to stop Trump.
Trump is what they accuse him of being in some respects. He is a ‘reality TV star’ and media expert. No one is better qualified to lead such a ‘Jerry Springer’ nation then ‘the Donald’.
Trump’s relationship with the Jews is perhaps even more complex than was JFK’s. I notice the conspiracy people are very focused on the very Jewish Jared Kushner as well as Ivanka Trump.
The first daughter’s relationship with the Jews is complex. I am not so sure she enjoys being shouted out by gay Jews on a Jet Blue flight. I also doubt she is not aware that the Jews refer to her as a ‘shiksa’.
Wikipedia states:
The etymology of the word shiksa is partly derived from the Hebrew term שקץ shekets, meaning “abomination”, “impure,” or “object of loathing”, depending on the translator
The Kushner family themselves look to be in a bit of trouble. The 666 Satan building has allegedly been a financial disaster for them. The father has done a bit of jail time. They are a high risk taking Jewish counterpart of the Trumps..
“Kush and Ivanka are rumored to have had their relationship created and then saved by the ex-wife of Rupport Murdock Wendi Deng.
‘Wendi Deng intervened when Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner Broke Up in 2008. … Wendi Deng was responsible for getting Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner back together following the now-married couple’s brief split in 2008. … After Trump and Kushner broke up over their ‘religious differences’.
Wendi Deng is a friend of Putin. Yes this is House of Cards. What does this prove? Only that life is stranger than fiction.
Ivanka, like her father, is capable of high level of PR deception even as skilled as the Jews themselves. She is worshiped as a goddess by young women in China.
The fact that Ivanka ‘s husband is a de-facto agent of the Jews is known. However, I fail to see how Trump is working under the Kushner family at all.
Who is playing whom? This is not as clear as some would claim.
The Kushner camp is trouble no doubt. In some complex ways they are of use to the Trumps. The complex relationship between the two camps is not an easy thing to decode/de-construct.
They may be the undoing of Trump. However Trump makes use of Jared as well. Stay tuned.
I see their union as part of New York business life. I even see some advantage to Jared. He is a traitor and a spy for sure. However, Trump can dispatch him to deal with the Jews and know that it will lead nowhere.
See ‘The Art of the Deal’. Trump knew enough not to do business with both Michael Milkin and Ivan Boesky, men who did some time for stock market related fraud. Yet, Trump’s Jewish stock broker made him a lot of money.
Like Sen Joseph McCarthy he became close to Jewish homosexual mob lawyer Roy Cohen.
You need contacts to play in the game.
The one historical weakness the Jews have demonstrated over time as a group is their magnetic pull towards overreach.
In a very real sense overreach of Jewish power created Trump and Putin.
This is why we as a world are so close to a nuclear war. Overreach.
Overreach in a sense created a window for Trump. Obama ruined America so badly that what is left of the WASP establishment and other dwindling American power groups went for Trump.
However ,Trump has a power base that is genuine and very nationalistic such as bikers, unemployed factory workers, ex-military, disenfranchised whites, and Alex Jones fans. All love Trump.
Also part of the Deep State is with Trump and in many ways the contest we are watching is a case of Deep State vs Deep State.
The ones that seem to dislike Trump now are the members of the ‘alternative’ media with enough sense to be ‘anti-Zionist’ but after the ‘fake Syria Strike’ have all but abandoned Trump.
Trump’s ties too are real. Some of them include men willing to profit from going against the CIA Mossad controlled government in Ukraine.
Paul Maniford for example was a big man behind the scenes in the effort to get Trump elected. Maniford’s business interest are very ‘Kremlin friendly’.
The fact that Trump works with Maniford, Roger Stone, and (behind the scenes) Patrick Buchanan means 100% that Trump is NOT on board with a world dominated by Zionist power. It means however his is tied to the Nationalist side of the so called “Deep State” that is far better than the globalist side.
Mr. Maniford is very much disliked by the now very Jewish controlled Ukraine government. His good friend is pro-Russia/pro-Putin Viktor Yanukovych
Also to say that all Jews make up the evil machinery destroying the world is wrong in the sense that some of them see where it is all heading and that it has gone too far. The saner elements within Jewry see what is at stake and have supported Sanders but also Trump.
This at least in part explains the rise of Putin. The Jews and the neocon dominated CIA decimated Russia so badly that the door opened for the rise of a nationalist such as Putin.
The ‘anti-Zionist’ ‘alternative’ media should be backing Trump, if it truly possessed the thinking and analytical skills it boasts having.
Instead he has the lunatic fringe group controlled by Alex Jones.
Trump is I assume trying to distance himself from Jones. He has the highly skilled Roger Stone handling Jones and his fan base.
One wonders if it will spin out of control and lead the ‘normal’ Trump base to clash with Jones and the ‘No one died at Sandy Hook’ crew.
The conspiracy theory people themselves are taking down Trump in some yet unforeseen way?
How sad to see that a Reagan insider as prominent as Paul Craig Roberts, a man I respect immensely for his knowledge of finance is himself a ‘Sandy Hooker’.
How far will this go? How crazy will this get?
I suspect Trump knows more than we do on this. Back his play if you can. That is what I say.