Do you still believe that during WWII, jews were put in concentration camps, tortured and needed to be saved by the Allies from the evil dictator terrorist called Hitler? (My Comment: Ironically this is what is planned for Americans in FEMA camps-“Jews” taken in from Russia and Germany are planning a White Christian Holocaust here in America!) Did you know that this was the main propaganda the Zionist lobbies who controlled the Allies countries (USA, France, Britain), used to gain a support from citizens to their governments in order to destroy Germany?
Now you know the truth, about all these lies, do you still believe what your Zionist government says today in media that the reasons to invade foreign countries is to save their people from dictators?
You know also who benefited from WW2, and which lobbies pushed for it, think again, what was the reason of WW2, and how we can learn from this big event? Hitler who destroyed the Jewish central banking in Germany, succeeded in creating six million Jobs in 2 years.
Hitler founded the “workers front” to erase the unions and give the workers a just salary. He also created the “Kraft durch Freude” ministry. Making it possible for workers to go on holiday in KdF facilities. He also helped create the KdF-Wagen (today known as the VW Beetle) and a savings project to make the car affordable for every one by saving up 5 Marks per week. The slogan for this project was “Fünf Mark die Woche musst du sparn’, willst du einen Wagen fahrn’”. Under Hitler the social status of the worker was lifted dramatically and at the same time the whole economy could grow because there was no risk of strikes.
He made laws to ban Jewish lobbies from media, education and politics. Germany became the super power of Europe after have been destroyed and been the poorer country post WW1
These women, lived the poverty and miseries of post WW1, when people started committing suicide or prostitution, because they were homeless and poor as a result of the sanctions of the allies and the dept made by the Jewish bankers and the treaty of Versailles.
But Adolf Hitler, after cleaning Germany from the Jewish lobbies & gangs by creating these laws, made his people rich and happy. That’s why WW2 was provoked by the Jewish Rothschild international bankers, using the tools such as USA and Britain and France, also Russia. They wanted to take back the German central banking and add Germany to their slave countries list. (MY COMMENT: DONE WITH AMERICA’S HELP)
Sir Arnold Wilson, a British M.P. who visited Germany seven times after Hitler came to power.
“Infant mortality has been greatly reduced and is considerably inferior to that in Great Britain,” wrote Wilson. “Tuberculosis and other diseases have noticeably diminished. The criminal courts have never had so little to do and the prisons have never had so few occupants. It is a pleasure to observe the physical aptitude of the German youth. Even the poorest persons are better clothed than was formerly the case, and their cheerful faces testify to the psychological improvement that has been wrought within them.”
“Stop believing the propaganda!!. They didn’t destroy Hitler’s Germany because he was killing Jews. He wasn’t killing them, he was deporting them (with good reason). They destroyed him because he rejected the Jewish backed central banking cabal that loans a nation it’s own money at interest. A system that was responsible for financially eviscerating Germany. A group of people who utterly betrayed a German nation who had treated them extraordinarily well during the first world war. (THIS IS HAPPENING IN AMERICA VIA FEDERAL RESERVE ROTHSCHILD BANKS!)
They destroyed Hitler’s Germany because of the existential threat he posed to this banking system. By removing this financial parasite from his country, within 5 years, Germany went from the darkest depths of the depression to the pinnacle of prosperity.” The Jewish Rothschilds and collective Race where behind creating and funding Communism and its collective take over. The Jews were using Communism to take Germany over with and bring it under their control as they where doing everywhere. Hitler and his government ended the Jewish attempts to take Germany from within and aided other Nations in stopping the Jewish take over, even by military force such as in Spain.
To destroy his Nation and National Socialist System and invented the big lie of the holocaust.
World War II never ended, no peace treaty was ever signed, Germany has no Constitution, and that Germany is STILL occupied territory. It’s not Germany anymore, it’s “Jewmany”.And given its “occupied” status, Germany remains hostage to the tyranny of world Jewry.
Arguably, Hitler is one of, if not the greatest national hero in history. I am certainly quite tired of 70+ years of persecution and persistent hate propaganda perpetuated by the zionist msm toward Hitler and the German people, especially since it is totally unfounded and based on lies and then along comes fools piling on more hatred upon hatred based on a bunch of pseudo-science that nobody can explain.
My Comment: Measure the Jewish Zionist media by their accusations. they have been throwing Americans, Asians, Blacks, Africans and Middle Eastern people under the bus using the American military…guess who is next? The American military and American public! Especially Christians and real Jews! See next post:
Holocaust is right at the door!
July 18, 2011 10:09 PM
The Four Horses of Revelation Chapter 6 have been given orders to turn up the heat. I had warned over a year ago that when you see the economic collapse starting to take place in Europe, then it will spread across the Atlantic Ocean to the United States (East Coast, Mid- West) which will trigger civil unrest. With total civil unrest throughout the nation, they will have to call Marshall Law in. The U. S. Military will be the peace keepers. All government troops will have to come back to bring law and order. The natural disasters that will hit the nation will be cataclysmic. During this period of time with the natural disasters is when the invading armies of Russia, China, and 15 other invading armies will hit the nation at one time and they will sack the nation, taking no prisoners.
You, the people of the United States, wanted wickedness! God has obliged you by giving you a leader after your own wicked hearts. See how sweet it has been for the past 60 years, but see how bitter it is going to be after forsaking the Lord God of heaven and rejecting His son Christ Jesus and not keeping His commandments and statutes. The crimes of this nation have reached all the way up into heaven and indictments have been handed down.
This nation is found guilty of sorcery and witchcraft at the highest level. For the day, time and hour has been set in stone. There will be no reprieve for the United States of America, for in one hour all of your plagues shall come upon you; pestilence, war, famine, earthquakes, and firestorms. The outcry of the American people is going to be great! You have been given ample opportunity to repent and turn from your wicked ways and you have said “we will not!” So when these things come, you will cry out to the Lord, and He will not hear you.
To the President of the United States, Speaker of the House, U. S. Supreme Court Justices, Senate, House of Representatives, State Governors and all local governments: when the invading armies come, they are going to be commode hugging, snot slinging, falling down, blind drunk in the blood of the Senators, the Congressmen, the U. S Supreme Court Justices and their wives and children! This will be God’s justice served for your wickedness and for your corruptions and for what you have done to other countries and other ethnic groups around the world! This will be your reward for your thievery and reckless mismanagement of working class America’s tax payer money!
PS- We are going into a total economic crash and a great depression the likes that have never, ever come upon the earth. This is God’s justice! For every evil thing that befalls man, 90% of the time it is self inflicted. We did not learn our lesson from World War II and the Nazi’s Third Reich, so now the Fourth Reich is coming into power right before our eyes. The Fourth beast, which is World Communism, has now come into play. This all could have been avoided had the church stood up against sorcery, witchcraft and communism! Thanks to the Clinton administration you now have over 800 FEMA Concentration camps for the Fourth Reich to imprison you, which one will you be going to? This does not even touch the tip of the iceberg for what this nation has done.
John W. Johnston