Deep Underground Military Bases aka D.U.M.B.
[aka DUMBs: Deep Underground Military Bases. This is the power base of Evil. Connected by underground Maglev trains. They also have Portal technology to Mars & the Moon.]
See: Tunnels EARTH PIPE (EP) Phil Schneider Richard Sauder Dr Paul Bennewitz
Quotes Maglev trains Hums Brecon Beacons (UK) Dulce Peasemore (UK) PINE GAP RAF Rudloe Manor (UK) Denver Airport Maglev trains Well of Sheshna Mel’s Hole Tunnels
Gorebridge Alien Base (UK) Underground Edinburgh
Articles Elite Underground
[2016 Feb] Elite Satanists Prepared for Doomsday
[vid] UFOs and DUMBs Bill Hamilton talks about Deep underground Military Bases.
[2012 May] Subterranean Secrets by Fritz Springmeier
[2012 April] X-File 38: Deep Underground II – Britain’s Area 51
[2011 Aug] Illuminati Pedophilia – A Victim’s Memoir by Carolyn Hamlett Some of those memories were of an underground facility. I suspect it was somewhere at Mac Dill Air Force Base in Tampa, which was close to where I lived. What I remember most about this possible underground facility is seeing children in cages…kept like animals. Most of them were about my age.
[2010] Information how they build synthetics today
Agent Buried Alive, The Autobiography of Commander James Casbolt (2008)
[2000] THE DEEP DWELLERS by Wm. Michael Mott
The Adventures of Don & Carol Croft
Underground Infrastructure. The missing forty trillion dollars by Steven J. Smith Since the early 1960s, the American citizenry have been the unwitting victims of government fraud, perpetrated on a scale so vast that it staggers the imagination. When figured in 2004 dollars, the total amount exceeds 40 trillion dollars. What did the American government and it’s corporate accomplices do with this almost inconceivable wealth? The government has built a entirely new underground civilization beneath the abandoned factories, tattered homes, and crime ridden streets that litter the American landscape. In this new society, there is no poverty, no crime or illicit drug use. In this new society, healthcare is affordable, energy is free, public transport is efficient. And you, the American tax payer have paid for it all, without receiving any benefit whatsoever for your Herculean efforts.
[2007] Interview with Barbara Bartholic
[2007] KUNDALINI TALES An interview with Richard SAUDER
[2006] Underground Bases, Missing Children and Extra-Terrestrials By James Casbolt,
[1995] The Greys and the Earth Agenda by Alex Collier
[vid] Reptilians And Underground Bases
Dulce Security Officer Speaks Out
Deep Underground Military Bases and the Black Budget—Phil Schneider’s last lecture of 1995
Dulce & Other Underground Bases and Tunnels by William Hamilton III
Nuclear Subselene Tunneling Machines On the Moon? by Richard Sauder, Ph.D.
“THE DULCE BASE” by Jason Bishop III
[1972] “L.A. to N.Y. in Half an Hour? 10,000 – M.P.H. Tunnel Train Plan Developed
[2006 Audio] Dean Warwick on 9/11 demolition, how to bring towers down with sound/infrasound (3.05 min), Bobby Kennedy assassination, abduction and ritual murder of children, and the shoot-down of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie (about 45 mins in. “That plane was shot down.”), Tsunami (52 mins), Whales beaching (53 mins). Underground base under House of Lords (1hr 1min), Chemtrails (1hr 5min), UFOs going into water at Bantry Bay (1hr 8min)
AMAZING STORIES science fiction/science fact magazine, Dec. 1946
Schneider, Phil The Underground – A Hidden Reality and The True Story of Phil Schneider. Phil Schneider died in 1996. Previous to his death he had been on tour across the United States speaking out about various subjects including his involvement with building a secret underground base in Dulce, New Mexico for the military. During this time, he said to have had an encounter with a violent E.T race in the late 1970’s which would change his whole world reality immediately after. This documentary explores some of the information Phil Schneider spoke about to the public in the 1990’s by examining each claim in detail with expert opinions from Richard Dolan, Richard Sauder, Neil Gould and Cynthia Drayer (Phil’s Ex-Wife). In this documentary you will find never before published photo’s of Phil’s Autopsy, documents about the Philadelphia Experiment from Oscar Schneider’s files (Phil’s father) and a very well explained background about Underground Bases.
Guest: James Bartley Breaking away from her usual format of having a guest for 90 minutes, Lorien introduced her guest, James Bartley, a few minutes into the show and let him speak the entire 2 hours. Because of James extensive work over the years with abductees and milabs victims, Lorien and James had an abundance of topics to cover. The first part of the show Lorien asked James to discuss his mentor Barbara Bartholic who also mentored the wonderful Dr. Karla Turner. Both of whom where most likely murdered because of speaking out in the UFO community about the horrors of Alien abduction. Further into the interview James spoke of mind control, Reptilian Aliens, a malevolent alien agenda and so much more! This interview is sure to become a classic Fenton Perspective show. James and Lorien had so much to discuss that she’s going to have him on again very soon to dig deeper into James research around the mind control and Super Soldier phenomenon.
Andromeda Council: Removing Reptilian undersea bases from Middle East & China:
Forum (gifting bases) [EW 2010 Jan] Confrontation at Underground Base Gate N. of Mt Rainier
[EW Jan 2009] Discovery House [EW 2008 Dec] D.U.M.B. In Gaithersburg MD [EW 2008 Nov] Vittorio in Italy Hits NATO in the Balls! [Ew July 2008] Good Indicator of Where to Put Earthpipes [Ew July 2008] Sylphs and 18s Sauder’s list of undergound US bases. This guy documents! ; –Don Croft [EW March 2008] Has Anyone Earthpiped Around the Nearest Mormon Temple, Yet? [EW 2007/08] DUMB Brecon Beacons [EW 2007] Phil Schneider Was Murdered in 1996 for This [EW Jan 2007] The cause of persistent smog –Don Croft [EW] Underground Bases in Africa Aug 2006 [EW July 2006] Scammonden dam underground base (UK)
External links [2003] The Dulce Report by Dr Michael E. Salla
Brecon underground base Tehachapi Underground Complex Sauder list US Underground Bases
THE OMEGA FILE: Secret Nazi UFO Bases Revealed by Branton ISBN: 1892062097
Robert Shapiro [Shining the Light Series]
Underground Alien Bases (ISBN: 093829492X) Commander X
THE DULCE WARS: Underground Alien Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth by Branton ISBN: 1892062127
[2001] Underwater and Underground Bases by Richard Sauder and Richard Sauder Ph.D.
[1996] “Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide?” By Richard Sauder, PhD
Secret Underground Cities (ISBN: 0850527333) by McCamley, Nick
Darkness over Tibet by T. Illion (He entered Underground city in Tibet)
… To remove all doubt as to their relationship with Norse hidden-folk and Indian Nagas alike, they shunned the sunlight and often seemed interested in crossbreeding their own bloodlines with those of human beings, or even in crossbreeding their ‘livestock’ or fairy cattle, horses, hounds and so forth with the surface species which were most compatible. The goblin-dwarf, Rumpelstiltskin, in his lust to have the human baby and its genetic bounty, is just one example of this in folklore. The elves took a regular interest in human affairs – weddings, births and deaths, the success of crops and livestock, and so forth – but only for their own selfish interests. They seemed to be overly-eoncerned with genetic and biological diversity, and they pilfered livestock, crops and human genes via theft or cross-species liaison whenever they saw fit to do so … They are mostly reptilian or reptilian humanoids or ‘fair’ and Nordic; they are telepathic with superior mental powers; they can shapeshift and create illusions; they want to interbreed with humans and need human blood, flesh and reproductive materials; they have advanced technology; they have the secret of immortality; they can fly, either by themselves or with their technology; they mostly have a malevolent agenda for humans; they cannot survive for long in direct sunlight; they have been banished from the surface world or are in hiding from surface people and/or the Sun; they want to keep their treasures, knowledge and true identity a secret; they covertly manipulate events on the surface world; they have surface humans working for them through the priesthoods, cults and secret societies; they have a putrid smell like ‘sulphur and brimstone’ ……led-creatures/ |
An interesting quote addressing the recurring ‘underground’ theme taken from Reptilian researcher John Rhodes:
“From their underground bases, the reptilian military ETs. . (establish).. a network of human-reptilian crossbreed infiltrates within various levels of the surface culture’s military industrial complexes, government bodies, UFO/paranormal groups, religious and fraternal (priest) orders, etc. These crossbreeds, some unaware of their reptilian genetic “mind control” instructions, act out their subversive roles as “reptilian agents”, setting the stage for a reptilian-led ET invasion.” |
An Illuminati Researcher based out of Denmark named ‘Frans Kamp’ claims to have been married to a Reptilian hybrid and makes some interesting observations:
“Reptilians are intuitive or paranormal creatures. They live underground because of the Sun. The radiation of the Sun diminishes the production of seratonin and asseratonin is necessary for the stimulating of the pituitary gland or pineal gland toproduce melotonin, they better stay underground. Melotonin is indispensable for life.The more melotonin, the more life. The more intuition/paranormal you are the higherproduction of melotonin.”47…e%20Matrix.pdf |
Underneath most major cities, especially in the USA in fact, there exist subterranean counterpart ‘cities’ controlled by the Masonic/hybrid/alien ‘elite’. Often surface/subsurface terminals exist beneath Masonic Lodges, police stations, airports and federal buildings of major cities … and even not so ‘major’ cities. The population ratio is probably close to 10% of the population (the hybrid military-industrial fraternity ‘elite’ living below ground as opposed to the 90% living above). This does not include the full-blood reptilian species who live in even deeper recesses of the Earth. Some of the major population centers were deliberately established by the Masonic hybrid elite of the Old and New ‘Worlds’ to afford easy access to already existing underground levels, some of which are thousands of years old. Considering that the Los Alamos Labs had a working prototype nuclear powered thermolbore drill that could literally melt tunnels through the earth at a rate of 8 mph 40 years ago, you can imagine how extensive these underground systems have become. These sub-cities also offer close access to organised criminal syndicates, which operate on the surface. They have developed a whole science of ‘borg-onomies’ through which they literally nickel-and-dime us into slavery via multi-levelled taxation, inflation, sublimation, manipulation, regulation, fines, fees, licenses … and the entire debt-credit scam which is run by the Federal Reserve and Wall Street. New York City, I can confirm, is one of the largest draconian nests in the world. Or rather the ancient underground ‘Atlantean’ systems that network beneath that area. They literally control the entire Wall Street pyramid from below … with more than a little help from reptilian bloodlines like the Rockefellers, etc. In fact, these reptilian genetic lines operate in a parasitic manner, the underground society acting as the ‘parasite’ society and the surface society operating as the ‘host’ society ……fYourKnees.pdf |
A few interesting excerpts from an article pertaining to the large underground complexes and tunnels below NYC (atleast the ones that they’re telling us about) from
Underground complexes already exist in Manhattan, such as in Lower Manhattan where passageways link office towers to the PATH Station. Efforts are already underway to make this complex more substantial. Then there’s Penn and Grand Central Stations, each with their own well articulated concourses filled with eateries and small shops. Underneath Manhattan there are areas known as ‘sub-districts’ which carry the names of the areas that they are in. The Penn Center Sub-district consists of the train station, subway station, underground passageways and extends a distance of 100 feet below the surface. The Moynihan Station project in the Penn Station/Hudson Yards area has already began to move forward, which if completed as planned would be a underground city all too itself and transform the Farley Post Office into a transportation hub. Other sub-districts are the Fifth Avenue Sub-district (from 33rd street to Central Park South), Grand Central Sub-district (between 41st Street and 47th Street; and Madison Avenue to Lexington Avenue), Preservation Sub-district (56th to 54thth and 6th Avenues), and Theater Sub-district (40th to 57th Streets; between 8th to 6th Avenue). Streets; between 5. Some of these sub-districts have remained dormant for years or are used by the MTA to store benches and signs. In other parts of Manhattan, spaces once used as speakeasies from the time of Prohibition, are hidden away only to be revealed during the major construction project or a simple residential renovation. Other spaces used to be secret locations for parties and meetings, but some spaces were simply passageways. However, all these spaces still remain and some may still be undiscovered. It has become increasingly difficult for curious New Yorkers to perform underground tourism in areas not accessible to the public, especially post 9/11, leaving only those with strange nerves like Steve Duncan to do it.…4417?task=view |
Good find! This characteristic of wanting to be out of the sun or of coming out at night time to terrorize the surrounding populations and or pilfer the live stock (cattle mutilations) is a recurring theme also in the various universal Reptilian accounts-accounts that parallel the ‘Vampire’ stories almost exactly. Interesting also how the Reptilian genetic stream is largely cold-blooded (a metaphor for lack of empathy today) and mostly found in dank, dark, underground habitats, this is yet another parallel between the many ‘Vampire’/Reptilian accounts both ancient and modern. Here’s an interesting passage from Michael Mott’s fantastic book, “Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures”:
… To remove all doubt as to their relationship with Norse hidden-folk and Indian Nagas alike, they shunned the sunlight and often seemed interested in crossbreeding their own bloodlines with those of human beings, or even in crossbreeding their ‘livestock’ or fairy cattle, horses, hounds and so forth with the surface species which were most compatible. The goblin-dwarf, Rumpelstiltskin, in his lust to have the human baby and its genetic bounty, is just one example of this in folklore. The elves took a regular interest in human affairs – weddings, births and deaths, the success of crops and livestock, and so forth – but only for their own selfish interests. They seemed to be overly-eoncerned with genetic and biological diversity, and they pilfered livestock, crops and human genes via theft or cross-species liaison whenever they saw fit to do so … They are mostly reptilian or reptilian humanoids or ‘fair’ and Nordic; they are telepathic with superior mental powers; they can shapeshift and create illusions; they want to interbreed with humans and need human blood, flesh and reproductive materials; they have advanced technology; they have the secret of immortality; they can fly, either by themselves or with their technology; they mostly have a malevolent agenda for humans; they cannot survive for long in direct sunlight; they have been banished from the surface world or are in hiding from surface people and/or the Sun; they want to keep their treasures, knowledge and true identity a secret; they covertly manipulate events on the surface world; they have surface humans working for them through the priesthoods, cults and secret societies; they have a putrid smell like ‘sulphur and brimstone’ … |
An interesting quote addressing the recurring ‘underground’ theme taken from Reptilian researcher John Rhodes:
“From their underground bases, the reptilian military ETs. . (establish).. a network of human-reptilian crossbreed infiltrates within various levels of the surface culture’s military industrial complexes, government bodies, UFO/paranormal groups, religious and fraternal (priest) orders, etc. These crossbreeds, some unaware of their reptilian genetic “mind control” instructions, act out their subversive roles as “reptilian agents”, setting the stage for a reptilian-led ET invasion.” |
An Illuminati Researcher based out of Denmark named ‘Frans Kamp’ claims to have been married to a Reptilian hybrid and makes some interesting observations:
“Reptilians are intuitive or paranormal creatures. They live underground because of the Sun. The radiation of the Sun diminishes the production of seratonin and asseratonin is necessary for the stimulating of the pituitary gland or pineal gland toproduce melotonin, they better stay underground. Melotonin is indispensable for life.The more melotonin, the more life. The more intuition/paranormal you are the higherproduction of melotonin.”47…e%20Matrix.pdf |
Photo of United States Air Force tunnel boring machine at Little Skull Mountain, Nevada, USA, December 1982. There are many rumors of secret military tunnels in the United States. If the rumors are true, machines such as the one shown here are used to make the tunnels. (Source: U.S. Department of Energy.)
This is a $13 million tunnel boring machine (TBM) used for tunneling at the Nevada Test Site. (Remember that Area 51 is part of the test site.) Many other types of TBMs are used by many govt. agencies, including the “nuclear powered TBM” that melts solid rock and leaves behind glass-like walls. Most tunneling activity is under military installations and all information is highly restricted. Former employees of said facilities have surfaced over the years to talk of massive underground installations in places like Area 51, Northrop Facility in Antelope Valley, Ca.(rumored to have 42 levels), and the Lockheed installation near Edwards, Ca.
Possible Magneto-leviton tube shuttle tunnel. The Mag Lev tubes travel at mach 2.7 and faster and are connected to a global network of tunnels. There is also an underground highway connecting the many the DUMBS. One of my NSA contacts who worked at the Los Alamos DUMB claims he was chased on foot along the highway by three tall and muscular ‘Nordics’ after he walked past an office and overheard them talking about some piece of high technology. They grabbed him and threatened to kill him. He claimed they were human/reptilian hybrids because their eyes would ‘shift’ into having vertical slits for pupils. According to another NSA contact who worked at the Pine gap DUMB in Australia, the Mag Lev tubes are known as ‘Terradrive’ and only travel in one direction around the world. One must be a very high ranking Mason (33rd degree of Zion or higher), corporate-intelligence agent or an ET to gain access to Terradrive
Imagine a machine tunnelling seven miles per day through solid rock, boulders and clay…virtually anything below the waterline. A machine whose heart is a compact nuclear reactor circulating liquid lithium at 2,000 degrees F. through a rotating face that melts a tunnel 40 feet in diameter; even injecting magma into fractures in bedrock for extreme solidity, sealing the tunnel with a glassy lining, and leaving no excavated material behind.
Derinkuyu Underground City is an ancient multi-level underground city in the Derinkuyu district in Nevşehir Province, Turkey. With its five floors extending to a depth of approximately 60 m, it was large enough to shelter approximately 20,000 people together with their livestock and food stores. It is the largest excavated underground city in Turkey and is one of several underground complexes found across Cappadocia.
Secret Underground City of Ellora Caves – Ancient Aliens In India? Published on 9 Jul 2014 We are at Ellora caves in India, and I am going to show you some solid evidence about a secret underground area that is hidden under these caves. As you can see, there is a rectangular tunnel about 1 foot wide that is vertically going down, and is not open for public access. I asked the security guards if I could take a closer look and they told me that visitors are not allowed but they also told me that, this tunnel is over 40 feet deep and then it takes a right angle turn to proceed underground. Nobody knows what’s inside after that because the tunnel becomes too narrow for human beings to get through it. Here is another one that is hiding in plain sight. You can see a channel on the ground and there is a small rectangular opening at the end of this passage that would drain the water to the other side of the temple. But, I went to the other side of this rock but guess what? It is a solid stone!! So, there is no other way, except that this rectangular opening leads to the underground. Notice that the rectangular opening is only large enough for a 10 year old to go in? Since adult human beings can’t access it, was it designed for human beings at all? This is another hidden passage in Ellora caves that I tried to get through, but after 10 feet, it becomes so narrow that I can’t go any further. Where do these mysterious tunnels lead? Who could have used such narrow passages? The other important question is: how can you carve such narrow passages if human beings cannot even get through them? Was it carved by humans at all? Were these carved for extraterrestrials that are smaller than human beings? Notice how this entrance is clearly going underground, in this cave temple. These are underground areas hiding in plain sight. The security guards told me that there are several underground tunnels in Ellora caves which gradually become too narrow for human beings to access them, and all of them are locked. From these old doors, we can assume that these tunnels have been closed from public access at least 30 to 40 years ago. These underground tunnels are not found in the same area, but are scattered over many different caves in Ellora, which stretches across a few miles. Is it possible that there could be a vast underground city like Derinkuyu in Turkey? Derinkuyu is an enormous underground city with advanced technical features that could accommodate more than 20,000 people, which was hidden for centuries only to be discovered in 1965. If it is true that there is a vast underground city in Ellora, shouldn’t there be ventilation shafts that would allow air from the ground to reach below. In Derinkuyu, there are thousands of holes drilled from the ground that act as ventilation shafts to the underground city. Look at this long ventilation shaft in Ellora caves that is drilled secretly in a dark chamber. It is about 4 inches wide, but it is so deep that we can’t even see the other end. Could this be a ventilation shaft that reaches the underground city? How about this ventilation shaft, which is also going underground? You can also see hundreds of holes like this drilled on the rock floor. Some of them are unfinished, and only few inches deep, but notice how the other holes have been closed with concrete recently. I asked why some of these holes have been closed and my tour guide told me that someone dropped their car keys into one of them, but these holes are so deep that they couldn’t retrieve it. So, they just covered these holes by putting concrete over them. What else could be the purpose of these deep holes on the floor, if they are not ventilation shafts? Why would hundreds of holes be drilled on these rock floors with painstaking efforts without any reason? Now, this is one of the abandoned, bat infested places and let’s take a look at what’s inside. This seems like a very old sanctum holding a lingam, which is a Hindu god. Centuries ago, plenty of water would be poured on this lingam everyday as part of religious worship, and it would drain through this channel. Notice that this water drain has been closed recently with some rocks. Where would the water go? Let’s see…It would go vertically down through this tunnel. Unless there is an area underground, this would be pointless because the water would just overflow all over the place! All over Ellora caves, there are hundreds of idols which would require thousands of gallons of water poured on them every day. Was this a technique to get clean water underground that could be used for different purposes? Please visit for intriguing and interesting places on the planet.