Dr Joseph Goebbels was a legendary truth-teller and freedom fighter. He was loyal to his race, leader and struggle until the end. A genius propagandist and agitator, he fought to rescue Germany from the death grip of International Jewry.
1. World IQ will be 70, and the average IQ of Western nations will be 80 – 70 while now it is 105-100, so people will be good dumb slaves
2. White people who created Western civilization will become 15% in their lands
3. Christianity will be eradicated from earth and probably banned because it opposes the “Messiah” of the JEWS. Most of the beautiful Christian heritage of Europe such as Cathedrals will be erased and replaced by temples / Mosques or a new religion that combines Abrahamic religions and which is very friendly to JEWS
4. Europe will be majority Muslim, Atheist and African people, but not European
5. The Middle East Will be a Jewish empire and Israel will be 20 times bigger than now and the most advanced Zone
6. Africa population will the largest in the world filled with slavery and poverty because the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africa is 65 – 70
7. The Muslim world will be filled of chaos and wars between different Islamic sects
8. America and Europe will become a 3rd world where people have no single attachment to their lands and no racial and religious identity and are very corrupt
9. Every Human will have an electronic chip in his body to represent his ID which makes the JEWS able to track those who dare to oppose them
10. All financial transactions will be electronic / online and no payment / purchase will be with material money, so JEWS can freeze the money of anyone who opposes them
11. There will be no countries with borders & embassies anymore. But one global country like the Soviet Union
12. There will be an artificial PEACE because there will be no opposition but one global tyranny ruled by very few JEWISH Elite like now in EU Union
13. JEWISH people ONLY will have 1st class “citizenship” or status. They should be able to exercise a total supremacy and rule wherever they travel, and they should be PUBLICLY accepted as MASTER RACE
14. All races derived from Europe will be abolished and become Brown-Asiatic-Arabic who don’t have any connection to an Historical land & culture
15. Global poverty., salaries will be very low and electronically paid and spent. The tyrannical communist global government should be able to freeze the money of any human who oppose JEWS
16. NO freedom of speech, NO critical thinking, or democracy, EVERYTHING should be harmonized and all people should have one Opinion
17. The History of WHITE people should be erased and nothing should remain to tell humanity about the beautiful story of White people & their achievements
18. No rich countries & Poor countries like now but one big poor country of poor non Jews and rich JEWS