Putin is a Real Leader: Trying to Avert WW3-Best Leader in the WORLD! Call Congress to Support Putin! 202-224-3121!

After Israeli Attack in Syria: Russia Summons Israel’s Envoy for Clarificationsby Sabba

HAARETZ – Israel’s ambassador to Russia has been called in by the Russian Foreign Ministry for clarifications Friday after Israel’s air force attacked in Syria overnight, a statement by Moscow said. The Israeli Foreign Ministry confirmed the statement.

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My Comment:  Many people still believe Russia is a Communist/Zionist nation but since it’s dissolution Russia has been building over 5,000 churches under Putin who is an Orthodox, baptized Christian himself.  Love this Man and what he is doing:  Fighting Terrorists, protecting his people under Nuclear attack drills, promoting Organic Agriculture, increasing pay for Russians, taking a lot of aggression from US to avoid WW3.  Putin is the greatest leader who has ever lived!

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