Nancy Pelosi & Chuck Schumer Beat the Drums For the Destruction of America: It Will Soon Be Clear!

During a campaign rally in Vally Forge, Pennsylvania, last November, Trump said:

When we win on November 8th and elect a Republican congress, we will be able to immediately repeal and replace Obamacare. Have to do it. I will ask Congress to convene a special session so we can repeal and replace, and it will be such an honor for me, for you, and for everybody in this country because Obamacare has to be replaced and we will do it and we will do it very, very quickly.

Still, Pirro centered the blame on Ryan.

“How could you possibly misjudge this?” she exclaimed. “I certainly have not spoken to the president about any of this, but I can only imagine that he and his aides took on health care because they believed you had his back, and you didn’t! You didn’t even test the waters. You had no consensus.”

“And I hate it when [Sen. Chuck] Schumer and [Rep. Nancy] Pelosi get to beat their drums and talk about what a great day it is for America that President Trump failed when even they know that Obamacare is a total disaster,” Pirro exclaimed.

But for Trump, Pirro said the president is handling his loss with “dignity.” She also warned Trump that the House Freedom Caucus now feels “emboldened” and will “dig their heals in” on future legislative endeavors.

“Ryan has hurt you going forward and he’s got to go,” Pirro said.

Watch her full monologue below:

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