#FREEDONALDMARSHALL#STOPHUMANCLONING@dmarshalltruthpic.twitter.com/fpZBnI4kKV -
DONALD MARSHAL: The science of REM Driven cloning Began in 1945.
Consciousness transfer is Not A Dream .
#STOPHUMANCLONING#clonespic.twitter.com/PRY79XQyRh -
I don’t care how much they push trans-humanism, you can’t get around God.
#stophumancloning -
Look into the topic of
#REMdownloading#CloningCenters#DUMBs#AlienAgenda#StopHumanCloning#PrayForTheVictoms the families of the 33rdspic.twitter.com/RYuv6LE2El -
#StopHumanCloning by@GuiltyasSinn#illumantli #truth#stopthecloningofhumans#StopHumanCloning#vrilhttps://twitter.com/i/moments/832379925684432896 … -
The secret is being opened to receiving it.
#BabyKillers Retweeted GuiltyasSinn
@AstralLightDM@AstralLightDM@GoldenTruth112@UrgentTruth777@xbobby69 out of all the dreams true, I pray this does#StopHumanCloning https://twitter.com/GuiltyasSinn/status/832333618265604098 …#BabyKillers added,
In reply to VF- Violet Foran
@violetforan@dmarshalltruth here’s my dream, I hope it comes true#illumantli#truth#stopthecloningofhumans#StopHumanCloning pic.twitter.com/B6sOSCl5Xc -
GuiltyasSinn Retweeted GuiltyasSinn
@dmarshalltruth@catmoonwarrior@RealErcanAtes1 https://twitter.com/GuiltyasSinn/status/832333618265604098 … here’s the DREAM!#StopHumanCloning#destroythemallGuiltyasSinn added,
Someone please tell me I’m crazy.
#STOPHUMANCLONING pic.twitter.com/3FeDiFNled -
GuiltyasSinn Retweeted GuiltyasSinn
@catmoonwarrior@RealErcanAtes1 I had a dream were the#clonecenters were all destroyed at 1 time! It was amazing!#StopHumanCloning https://twitter.com/GuiltyasSinn/status/832281418352955393 …GuiltyasSinn added,
@dmarshalltruth you were able retrieve your original body,&live in peace. Destination will come to the#clonecenters#StopHumanCloning -
I’m convinced Melissa Moore is Riley Reid’s clone.
In reply to Simon Helberg
@simonhelberg They meet all the time at the cloning centres. You know this cuz you go there too!#stophumancloning@dmarshalltruth -
Astral Light Retweeted john mannering
…people must know about human cloning and vril lizards (highest level of scientology knowledge).
#stophumancloning#killvrillhttps://twitter.com/ManneringJohn/status/831626276041588737 …Astral Light added,
In reply to Alex Jones
@RealAlexJones be a man and tell us the truth,we know you are one of illuminati members#STOPHUMANCLONING#FREEDONALDMARSHALL -
In reply to Joe Rogan
@joerogan@infowars why you don’t talk about Donald Marshall, be a man and tell us the truth#STOPHUMANCLONING -
@NoScience4War I will check out those hashes though!#StopHumanCloning#ConsciousnessTransfer