Israel’s Attitude Towards Jesus and Goyim Such As Us!
It is a moral crime against all humanity to defend Jews, Judaism or Jewishness in any way, because the Jewish religion commands its followers to kill or enslave all the non Jewish inhabitants of the world, according to its holy book, the Talmud. It also mandates its adherents MUST lie to non Jews or suffer penalties from its rabbis.
There ARE no honest Jews. The Jewish religion FORBIDS Jews from being honest with non Jews! Hundreds of quotes reinforcing this philosophy in the Jewish psyche can be cited from the nasty books at the heart of the Jewish religion, the Talmud and the Torah. And ample evidence of this practice can be seen no matter which way we turn.
There ARE no honest Jews. Just look at the culture we have. Look at the mass death accelerating all around us.
Zionism is the political expression of Judaism, everything the Zionist claims comes straight out of Jewish holy books, like the claim to Palestine. In fact the best way to view Zionism is the cumulation of thousands of years of Jewish search for a nation, Zionism is the passionate fruit of Judaism, and now that we have Israel we also have hell unleashed on earth.
While unleashing hell on innocents may be normal to the Jews who revel in the Jew hell frequency, the rest of the world is shocked by their butchery. The monster Jew simply has no conscience, you are nothing to them, not one Jewish fingernail is worth the lives of a hundred million gentle peoples. Never tell anyone that the ISIS head choppers are a Jewish proxy army, never ever make the connection in your brain that when a Jew sees a gentile child die an agonizing death from a USA made bomb that the Jew sings hosannas to Yahweh.
Don’t fall for the ruse that some Jews denounce Zionism, any Jew could quit being a Jew and become human, denounce their insane religion and Israel. There are a few that do and you can count them on one hand. Any truly human person would never agree to this I’m chosen meme, no fair minded rational person would ever think some god chose them over others. This exclusionistic and xenophobic philosophy is driven by this cult of ego.
We know that Zionism is the problem and we know it’s source, the Jewish religion of Judaism, a religion that teaches that some people are chosen over others, a religion that produced the Babylonian Talmud, a book of hate against all Goyim. The Talmud is simply an extension of the Torah and other books, the Talmud takes Old Testament hate toward rival tribes to new levels of depravity. Zionism didn’t happen by accident, it is the end result of a long progression of Jewish only thinking.
My Comment: This is an excerpt from and the second part is an excerpt from Maybe the “God” of these people is a Demon!!!