IDF Abusing Palestinians TO DEATH: What else would anyone expect from a Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Criminal State?

Settlers Arrested After Writing ‘Revenge’ in Stones Near Palestinian Village

by MG editor

The three were detained after getting into a confrontation with Israeli security forces and Palestinians near the village of Sussia.

ed note–as Netanyahu recently said, there is no ‘turn the other cheek’ when it comes to Jews getting what they demand. It is their way or the highway and with no wiggle room whatsoever, because they are the ‘light amongst the nations’ whom their ‘god’ Yahweh has chosen to be a ‘special people above all others upon the face of the earth’, according to their own literature.

And remember something else, which unfortunately escapes the notice of too many Gentiles these days–the only difference between the curly-locked, kippah wearing, violent, nutcase settler in one of the Jewish enclaves in the West Bank and ‘good Jews’ such as a Jerry Seinfeld, John Stewart, Schmuley Boteach or any of the other shapeshifters whose job is to intoxicate the mind of Western Gentiles through the use of sophisticated mind control techniques perfected in that school of Judaic sorcery known as the JMSM is that in the former case, we are dealing with curly-locked, kippah wearing, violent, nutcase settlers in one of the Jewish enclaves in the West Bank and in the latter, we are dealing with ‘good Jews’ such as a Jerry Seinfeld, John Stewart, Schmuley Boteach and other shapeshifters whose job is to intoxicate the mind of Western Gentiles through the use of sophisticated mind control techniques perfected in that school of Judaic sorcery known as the JMSM. In the same way that–materially-speaking–a toothpick and the Eiffel Tower can be said to be the same by virtue of the fact that they are both made of wood, likewise individuals who–by virtue of their upbringing, culture, religion, and mindset–have been subjected to the dysfunctional and delusional precepts of Judaism can be said to be in essence the same as well and with only slight degrees of separation differentiating and distinguishing them.Read more of this post

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