CIA & Mossad (Globalist Criminals Who Have Worked Together Now At Each Other’s Throats)
NY Times: David Friedman, Choice for Envoy to Israel, Is Hostile to Two-State Efforts
No one gets to become President of the United States without at least a partial blessing from one of the rival factions that constitute the kosher “powers that be.” Unlike some of our brethren in the “conspiracy theory” TM community, Sugar and I, er, “The Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times, as much as we have supported the campaign of Orange Man, have always cautioned that elements of the ultra-nationalist, anti-Globalist Zionist International have thrown their weight behind Orange Man. The likes of the thoroughly despicable warmongers Sean Hannity, Not-So-Brightbart News, Matt Drudge (cough cough) and Julian Assange work primarily for Bibi Satanyahu, not the American people.
1- “Conceived in Israel,” Breitbart News (Image 1 shows original cast posing with Bibi) boasts of its Jewish credentials: “Breitbart was founded by Jews, is largely staffed by Jews, and has an entire section dedicated to reporting on and defending the Jewish state of Israel.” — Breitbart’s Jewish CEO Larry Solov — responding to an attack from the Clinton camp after Orange Man had hired Breitbart’s executive chairman Steve Bannon as campaign manager. (here) 2- Orange Man won the endorsement of mega-Zionist Sheldon Adelson (cough cough) — the casino mogul and “long-time friend” who once suggested that the U.S. drop an atomic bomb in the Iranian desert as a warning shot.
Matt Drudge is a Zionist agent, as are Gentiles Sean Hannity (shown in image 2 viciously attacking peace candidate Ron Paul for being an “isolationist”) and Hannity’s new friend, Julian Assange — whose latest “leaks” helped to sink Killary Clinton.
With regard to Orange Man, the question here is not whether or not he will reward his Zionist-Likud backers; but rather: how far will he go to keep them happy? Will he limit the payoff merely to the controversial relocation of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to contested/divided Jerusalem and the killing of any “two-state solution?” Or will Orange Man’s Zionist agents, either with or without his consent, set us on the path toward war with Iran? — an event that would turn into a disaster and certainly derail the expected “bromance” between Putin and Orange Man. Only time will tell — but the appointment of a Zionist fanatic who has already, on his own, started talking about “tearing up the Iran deal” and “increasing aid to Israel” — as Ambassador to Israel is cause for us to tone down our on-again-off-again applause machine for Orange Man. Some excerpts from the article itself, co-authored by Isabel Kershner (cough, cough) and Sheryl Gay Syolberg (cough, cough) are very revealing.
Yentas Kershner & Stolberg tell us about how extreme David Friedman is. You see, only Jews are allowed to write critical articles about other Jews.
Kershner & Stolberg: He is president of the American fund-raising arm for a yeshiva in a settlement deep in the West Bank headed by a militant rabbi who has called for Israeli soldiers to refuse orders to evacuate settlers. Analysis: Friedman is not content with what was already stolen from the Palestinians. He wants more and more and more. Kershner & Stolberg: He writes a column for a right-wing Israeli news site in which he has accused President Obama of “blatant anti-Semitism,” dismissed the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, likened a liberal American-Jewish group to “kapos” who cooperated with the Nazis, and said American Jewish leaders “failed” on the Iran nuclear deal. Analysis: Evidently, even these yentas think Friedman is nuts. Kershner & Stolberg: Now, David M. Friedman, an Orthodox Jewish bankruptcy lawyer from Long Island, is Donald J. Trump’s pick for ambassador to Israel,.. Analysis: Orthodox, eh? Just like Orange Man’s trusted and influential son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Kershner & Stolberg: Their (Trump & Friedman) relationship was cemented in 2005, friends said, when Mr. Trump traveled three hours in a snowstorm to pay a condolence call on Mr. Friedman after the death of his father, a prominent Long Island rabbi. “He was very taken by Trump spending almost all day just to pay the shiva,” said Yossi Kahana, one of the two friends who described the visit, using the Hebrew term for the week of mourning. “Barely any people came, and here is Trump, coming and sitting with him and talking about things that are important to both of them, their values, their fathers and their legacies.” Analysis: An admirable gesture on the part of Orange Man, but such personal closeness is not a good sign for the people of Palestine or Iran. Kershner & Stolberg: A person close to the Trump transition who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the ambassadorship had been negotiated directly between the two men over many months. Mr. Friedman, who donated a total of $50,000 to the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee in 2016, according to federal election records, had been openly saying even before the election that the job — one of the most sensitive and high profile in the diplomatic corps — would be his, according to friends. Analysis: So, “the ambassadorship had been negotiated directly between the two men?” Since when does the boss “negotiate” with the prospective appointee? And the talks took place “over many months?” That means that the negotiations happened during a time when few believed that Orange Man could win. Perhaps the “two old friends” and other parties unknown (cough cough) knew something in advance that the rest of us did not? Kershner & Stolberg: Israel’s conservative settlement supporters and their American backers rejoiced at the selection, … Analysis: It’s true, boys and girls. Orange Man is a hero to the Likudniks of Israel.
Trump has a huge fan club in Israhell! . Kershner & Stolberg: He refers to the West Bank by its biblical name, Judea and Samaria, … Analysis: As an “ortho,” Friedman literally believes that the Almighty gave him “Judea and Samaria.” Kershner & Stolberg: something hard to imagine his predecessors doing publicly. Upon being nominated Thursday night, he said he looked forward to working “from the U.S. Embassy in Israel’s eternal capital, Jerusalem,” rather than Tel Aviv, where the American Embassy has been for decades, under the State Department’s insistence that the holy city’s status be determined as part of a broader deal between Israel and the Palestinians. Analysis: Orange Man to the dispossessed Palestinians: “Kiss my New York ass!” Kershner & Stolberg: Baruch Gordon, the director of development for Bet El Institutions, told Arutz 7 on Friday that it was “proud to be closely associated with Mr. Friedman,” calling him “a pioneer philanthropist and builder of Jewish institutions and housing projects in Judea and Samaria (a.k.a. the ‘West Bank’) and throughout the country.” Analysis: a “builder of Jewish institutions and housing projects in Judea and Samaria,” eh? Ya can’t get any more “to the right” than this Zionist!
The ever-interloping ultra-nationalist West Bank “settlers” are the most vicious little demons to be found in all of Jewry — and, unlike their Globalist brethren, they absolutely love Orange Man.
Brave Orthodox Israeli settlers mock and abuse Arab woman. Drunken Orthodox Israeli settler to British film crew: “Screw you, you Nazi! We killed your fucking Jesus and we are proud of it. .. This is my land you son of a shit. God gave it to me. … I’ll kill you and the Palestinians. Fuck you, Nazi…. God gave it to me and fuck you.” (video here)
Kershner & Stolberg: Mr. Friedman’s connections to Israel date back to his bar mitzvah at the Western Wall. Analysis: Friedman is not really going to be America’s Ambasador to Israel, but rather, Israel’s Ambasador to Israel. Talk about “rigged,” eh Orange Man? Kershner & Stolberg: A senior Palestinian cleric, Sheikh Ikrama Sabri, said during Friday Prayers that if Mr. Friedman managed to move the embassy to Jerusalem, “the U.S. is declaring a new war on the Palestinians and all Muslim Arabs.”
Analysis: What does Orange Man care about offending Muslims? Pardon the liberalese-sounding lingo here; but anti-Muslim bigotry won Orange Man a whole lot of FOXtard voters.
Kershner & Stolberg: Daniel C. Kurtzer, who served President George W. Bush as ambassador to Israel from 2001 to 2005, was alarmed by the appointment. “He has made clear that he will appeal to a small minority of Israeli — and American — extremists, ignoring the majority of Israelis who continue to seek peace,” …. “Friedman’s appointment as ambassador runs directly contrary to Mr. Trump’s professed desire to make the ‘ultimate deal’ between Israelis and Palestinians.” Analysis: Orange Man knows damn well that without the Zio crazies and their formidable apparatus in his corner, he would never have been able to overcome the pro-Killary Marxist-Globalist faction of the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class). Let us hope that the political payback will be limited “only” to the sellout of the poor Palestinians, and not to a new collision course with Iran.
But if Orange Man, on the basis of some future false-flag attack, decides to start the usual crap with peaceful Iran, count on the The Anti-New York Times to write some really nasty stuff about him.
And Orange Man, if you’re reading, be assured that if and when your “long-time friend,” is faced with a choice between serving your interests or those of Satanyahu’s ghoulish gang, you will be outmaneuvered and dumped like a red-hot matzah-ball quicker than you say, “Oy vey!” And the same goes for that snake-in-the-grass Orthodox son-in-law of yours.
![]() ![]() Ivanka had to convert to Orthodox Jewry in order to marry fellow billionaire Jared Kushner. The influence of the young couple on Orange Man is common knowledge, as is the affection that Bibi “9/11 was good for Israel” Satanyahu and Orange Man have for each other.
HEADS OF MOSSAD COME TO TRUMP TOWER! December 18, 2016 “The staff of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has met with the head of Israel’s international intelligence agency, the Mossad and a high-ranking security delegation in a visit quietly arranged by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to Ynet. Mossad chief Yossi Cohen traveled to New York with Israeli National Security Council head Yaakov Nagel, where he was joined at Trump Tower by Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer. Trump’s team was briefed on the Iranian nuclear deal, the situation in Syria, current terror threats and the situation with the current situation with the Palestinian Authority.” — (here)
Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen visits Orange Man to collect a debt. Though the CIA (Globalists) and Mossad (Zionists) collaborated on 9/11, the two agencies are now at war with each other, with the latter backing Orange Man.
![]() Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump just nominated a hard-liner as Ambassador to Israel. Boobus Americanus 2: It would be a shame if they undid the Iran nuclear deal. Trump may lead us to war again, after all.
Sugar: Boobuss. You have just demonsstrated how even a broken clock can be correct twice-a-day. Congratulationss. Editor: This is one time I actually hope that Boobus is wrong. |