Scarlett Fakhar
A firefight of words has erupted in Houston after a Fox affiliate fired a TV reporter for expressing her support for President-elect Donald Trump on her personal social media.
Her critics are blasting her, and the Houston Chronicle suggested there was some element of racism. But Scarlett Fakhar, 25, KRIV-TV in Houston also has her supporters.
“I for one will not be watching Fox 26 any longer,” wrote Steve Woodruff on her Facebook page. “Their bias is more than obvious. You have our full support & here’s hoping for bigger things for you in the future. #istandwithscarlettfakhar.”
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The controversy developed shortly after Trump’s election victory over twice-failed Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.
Fakhar had announced on her personal Facebook page that she was ‘happy and relieved’ that Trump had won.
Fakhar wrote: “I know many of the God fearing men and women out there have also [prayed.] I prayed for the best leader that will turn this country that has become more violent and racist under the Obama administration than ever … into the American I once knew.”
She continued: “Want to talk about going downhill? Look what Obama has done … how he has made the entire country hate one another. Were you happy with how many people were killing each other in our own country? I work in news … and I hate to say it .. but the number of African Americans killing one another far outweighs the number of them being killed by whites. And now you have groups murdering police officers both black and white. How did this happen under the Obama administration? You guys want another administration like that?”
She was fired shortly later, and she posted a notice: “Fox 26 Houston fired me today for expressing my conservative views on my private Facebook page. That is all I will say for now.”
She later blasted the station for “trying to take my fan page down” and hit out at the Chronicle for “WRONGFULLY saying I chastised African Americans.”
“The media has made this a RACE issue when in reality the matters boils down to a difference in political philosophy. As a multiracial person myself, I never have been or never will be racist. I simply stated the fact that the media continues to misrepresent the factual realities that there is NO more white on black crime than there is black on black crime.”
image: reported at one point she apologized for airing her personal views, calling it “inappropriate” for a journalist. But the apology later was removed.
Fox 26 representatives confirmed on Friday that Fakhar is no longer with the station.
Fakhar joined the station in September 2015, according to her station biography, previously having worked in Austin and Lubbock.