Leaked Clinton Emails Reveal Continued Efforts to Sabotage Venezuela (Clinton pretends Goodwill while seeking to stab Venezuela in the Back–My Comment)
Despite her public appeals for friendship, a series of leaked emails show that during her time as Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, has continued to promote subversion against the Latin American country behind closed doors.
The emails, leaked by WikiLeaks, show that during her tenure as US Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton asked the then-assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Arturo Valenzuela, how “to rein in Chavez.” Valenzuela alluded to reaching out to other regional partners to help undermine Chavez:
“We need to carefully consider the consequences of publicly confronting him but ought to look at opportunities for others in the region to help.”
The leaked emails confirm a continuing trend of US covert intervention toward Venezuela and perceived leftist governments throughout Latin America generally, such as Cuba and Ecuador. WikiLeaks also exposed a 2006 US embassy strategy toward the then democratically elected President Chavez, saying that “creative US outreach to Chavez’s regional partners will drive a wedge between him and them.”
Why exactly Clinton and the US government more generally take such an approach toward Venezuela is the subject of such speculation.However Dr Francisco Dominguez of the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign told Sputnik that:
“After the election of Chavez in Venezuela and the election of the Brazilian workers party in 2002, the region, especially Venezuela, started distancing itself from the United States, setting up its own bodies, largely regionally integrated, and because of this the United States is losing influence. Venezuela has been a main proponent of this, which is why the United States has been attacking the country so much.”
While Clinton has expressed friendship toward Venezuela in public, this trove of leaked emails suggests a different intention toward the Latin American nation, something which Dr Dominguez expresses reservations about:
“Because the US has to take into account the regional feelings of the people, it pretends that it likes or favors good relations, but it will never stop destabilizing Latin America, or Venezuela.”