Pentagon Warns Netanyahu: Israel Will Not Be Rothschild’s Greater Khazarian Empire!

There was a time when the member countries of NATO could convince most of the world they were the “good guys” promoting democracy, human rights and economic development.

Now, they are seen as gangster controlled rogue states trying to start World War 3 in order to set up a cabal controlled “New World Order” totalitarian government. Fortunately for us all, the pentagon and the governments of China, India, Russia, Brazil and most other countries have made it very clear this is not going to happen.

That is why the horrifying mass murder being carried out in Syria by cabal mercenaries is not getting the intended results.

When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel recently tried to stir the pot in the US, his activities, e-mails, phone calls etc. were all monitored after which an official from the pentagon warned Netanyahu “If you try to send off a cruise missile we will blow it out of the water and then come for you.” Oops. Then Egypt’s new government removed cabal proxies from the military and sent tanks to the Israeli border. Oops again.

Understanding Rothschild: The Divide And Conquer Of The Khazars ~ But Now For The Banks.

First, A Wee Bit Of Historical Fact!

Ashkenaz was a region in Magog where the so-called “red Jews” of Khazaria had ruled an empire on the north shores of the Black and Caspian seas. The Rothschilds, and ‘most’ other Ashkenazi Jews, are descended from the Khazars who are actually Turks.

While the [Turks/Jews by conversion] of Khazaria had been the small minority among both Christian and Muslim citizens, they ruled the empire absolutely; it had been the law of the land that only [TurkJews] could rule! There were two kings, an invisible one called a “khagan,” and a visible one called a “beg.” Interesting, isn’t it, that the invisible Rothschilds are now a few [Turks/Jews] ruling the world.

In 867 AD, The Vikings from Scandinavia, appeared near Kiev (north shore of the Black Sea), and eventually took the city from the Khazars the Turks/Jews. For some years the invaders lived side by side with the Khazars, but thereafter they put the Khazars to flight, at roughly which time the phrase, “Ashkenazi Jew,” was heard for the first time in the regions of Germany and Hungary.

Khazars aka; Ashkenazi Turk/Jew were ‘not’ true Hebrews, but instead Turks who had converted to Judaism. Ashkenazi Turk/Jews are over 90 percent of those who claim to be Jews today– but who are actuallyTurks that wrongly believe to be Jews. The conspiracy to control the world by international bankers is not a Jewish plot, but a Turkish plot. Hitler sent ‘mainly’ Turks to concentration camps! And Turks now run the ‘State’ of Israel!! In short: most of today’s Jews are not the real descendants of the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Judah.

It Began With Attempting To Usurp God In The 12th. Century

The Divide And Conquer By The Khazars:

FYI: In 500 A.D. – 600 A.D. Christians at Mecca taught Muhammad about monotheism, but he rejected it because of his parents religion of Kabah ~  Babylonian Polytheism. Allah is the word used by The Persian Babylonians and Islam today.

Muhammad later went into a cave and conceded to monotheism after speaking with Archangel gabriel who now told him he was to be a prophet.

Muhammad then went to the Hebrew Jews to tell them he was a prophet, but The Hebrew Jews rejected & ostracized him from Jerusalem. Muhammad then went back to Mecca and stripped all forms of Babylonian Polytheism from the area and taught everyone about Allah being only One. Muhammad wrote the Quran for his own new religion called Islam. It is a combination of both the ancient religion of Kabah & The Holy Bible.

Now Below, We Will See Solomon ben Duji attempting to do the same thing around 1200 A.D. Perhaps he learned something from Muhammad?

“…In the early 12th century Khazars attempted a Jewish Crusade, aimed at conquering the Holy Land by force of arms. This was started by a Khazar Jew named Solomon ben Duji (Ruhi or Roy in some translations), with the help of his son Menahem and a Palestinian Jewish scribe.

They wrote letters to the Non-Hebrew Jewish communities of the Middle East, announcing that the time had come when God would bring His people back to Jerusalem, that Solomon ben Duji was Elijah, and that his son was the Messiah. However, those appeals seem to have had little effect, for we hear nothing until twenty years later; at this time Menahem moved from Russia to northern Iraq, changed his name to David al-Roy, and proclaimed himself the Messiah. Then he assembled a substantial armed force of Khazars and local Jews, and took possession of Amadie, a strategic fortress northeast of Mosul.

It seems that from here the plan was to lead the army to Edessa, and fight through Syria to the Holy Land. Because of the constant feuds between Crusaders, Sunni and Shiite Moslems, the enterprise did not seem as hopeless as it does now. Besides, some Moslem commanders might have welcomed the prospect of a Jewish Crusade against those Christian castles.

One of David al-Roy’s messengers went to Baghdad and boldly told the Iraqi Jews to assemble on a certain night on their flat roofs, and from there they would be flown on clouds to the Messiah’s camp. Many Jews spent that night on their roofs, awaiting a flight that never came for them. Not long after that, David al-Roy was assassinated in his sleep, allegedly by his own father-in-law, whom some interested party had bribed to do the deed. That ended the Crusade, but as with Abu Isa, David al-Roy continued to have followers for many years afterward. He also existed for centuries in Jewish literature as an example of the all-conquering king the Messiah was expected to be.

Zionists want you to believe, that they are the choosen people and “Israel” is the land of their so-called birthright.

Their symbol is 2 overlapping triangels known as the Morgan David or Star of David. Not the David of the Bible or Qu’ran, but of David Al-roy a 12th century false prophet.

Before he became known a David Al-roy his name was Menahem born in Khazaria (Caucasus Mountains). His father, Solomon Ben Duji began this movement by sending letters to the “jews” stating that Palestine was their birthright, he later took the name Elijah and said his son was the Messiah.

In 1527 the Jews of Prague began to use the Star of David (David Al-roy) as their Flag a pentagram or “Seal of Solomon” Later used by Freemason/Zionist Theodor Herzl in 1898 at the start of the modern Zionist Movement.

“…This upside down five-pointed star is well known to all occultists as their symbol of Satan.

And the red flag, signifying Edom, was well known to the millions of Christians who were slaughtered by the Jewish Bolsheviks of our present century.

The Rockefeller File, Milner financed the Russian Bolsheviks on Rothschild’s behalf, with help from Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg.

The David spoken of here does NOT refer to King David of Ancient Israel, or to Messiah, the coming Son of David, but to the twelfth century Khazar pseudo Messiah, Menahem ben Duji, who changed his name to David al-Roy, and was assassinated on his way to “liberate” Palestine.

If David al-Roy is the King of the Jews, King of Israel and King David mentioned in the Protocols, it is a further mark of their antiquity…

  1. First, They Came For The Roman Catholics:
  2. England’s Greatest Coverup ~ England’s Catholic Genocide: Roman Catholic Guy Fawkes ~ The Rustle For America Begins!
  3. Christian Death Books: First Nazi Auschwitz Prisoners Were Christians: The Forgotten 50 Million Victims Of The Orthodox Christian Holocaust.
  4. Roman Catholic Vlad Tepes: Impaled The Muslim Brotherhood, Thus Saving His Country From The Islamic Headcutters Of The Ottoman Empire.
  5. Obama Continues Joseph Goebbels’s 1937 Nazi Anti-Catholic Movement: Freedom from Religion Foundation Aligns With Barack Obama’s Administration.

Lucifer is well documented biblically and the Luciferians who run the Illuminati know this, and trust me they believe in God, they just hate Him. The Rothschilds are one such family of Illuminati fame who reportedly even set a place at their dinner table for Satan. In case you think this does not matter, the Rothschilds are said to own 85 % of the worlds gold. They owned shares of BP Oil, which if Im not mistaken they dumped at the time of the oil spill. They are filthy rich beyond imagination. They profit off wars and conflicts.

Rothschild Has An Idea And Picks Up The Flag Of Zionism To Pose The Continuation Of The Khazar Crusade For [The State] of Israel, But For The Banks.

Now Below, We Will See Mayer Bauer Making A New Last Name For Himself [Rothschild]. We will see the beginning of the countless signs of numerology, symbolism, wars, murder of presidents, attacks upon The Vatican, & subliminal messages which are fomented in the application of The Khazar “divide and conquer” to further banking control.

Perhaps Bauer aka; Rothschild learned something from Muhammad & Solomon ben Duji in developing a new religion called “State Zionism” for Banking Control of the World!

Rothschild would send his sons to other countries to exploit usury and thus the notion ‘then’ to Audaciously begin seizing control of all government and subjugate them to The Monarchy.

1743: Mayer Amschel Bauer, an Ashkenazi Jew, is born in Frankfurt, Germany, the son of Moses Amschel Bauer, a money lender and the proprietor of a counting house.

Moses Amschel Bauer places a red sign above the entrance door to his counting house. This sign is a red hexagram (which geometrically and numerically translates into the number 666) which under Rothschild instruction will end up on the Israeli flag some two centuries later. Thus proclaiming himself Khazar Kabbalist.

1753: Gutle Schnaper, an Ashkenazi Jew (future wife of Mayer Amschel Bauer), born to respected merchant, Wolf Salomon Schnaper.

1760: During this decade Mayer Amschel Bauer works for a bank owned by the Oppenheimers’ in Hanover, Germany.  He is highly successful and becomes a junior partner. Whilst working at the bank he becomes acquainted with General von Estorff.

Following his father’s death, Bauer returns to Frankfurt to take over his father’s business. Bauer recognises the significance of the red hexagram and changes his name from Bauer to Rothschild, after the red hexagram or sign signifying 666 hanging over the entrance door (“Rot,” is German for, “Red,” “Schild,” is German for, “Sign”).

It is here, that the beginning of the countless signs of numerology, symbolism, wars, murder of presidents, attacks upon The Vatican, & subliminal messages are fomented in the application of divide and conquer to further banking control.

Read More Here

Marxism, globalism, the new world order, liberalism…All these are euphemisms for a phenomenon embodied in the invisible empire of the Rothschild family.

  1. Rothschild’s Socialism And Degrees Thereof : Marxism, Zionism, Communism, National Socialism/Naziism, Fascism, Elitism, Progressives
  2. When America Tried To Pass The Glass Steagall Act To Prevent The Fraudulent Derivative Bailout: Rothschild’s Britain ~ Threatened War Through The State Department!

Gates Rothschild NWO

The Rothschilds [Red~Shields] do not die, they simply depart into history, and their place is inconspicuously taken by their sons and grandsons. Word goes that the old master Jacob has left the scene, and that his place has been occupied by his son Nathan (Nathaniel Philip Rothschild, who bears the name of the founder of the English Rothschilds). The heavy burden has fallen on the frail shoulders of the young heir. But Nathan is not alone. In the running of the empire he will be aided by his uncles Evelyn and Edmund and the other members of the English branch of the family (Catherine, Emma, Leopold), but also his French cousins (David, Eduard…).

Jacob Rothschild

The Rothschild family has produced governors, prime ministers, ministers, supervisors who are making sure that everything goes according to the big plan.
The European Union was created by the Rothschilds (Schumann, a Khazar). The EU is an exploiter of Russia, which should be freed from the Siberian burden. With the aim of completing this job the Rothschilds have employed Soros, Berezovski, Hodorkovski, Kasparov, the Mitals…

God Bless Russia’s President Putin: Blocking Of Obama & The Rothschild Banking Cabal.

Breaking -> United State’s New Hero ~ Vladimir Putin: Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Rothschild Henchman & Leftist Savior George Soros!

If we wish to unveil the background and causes of these events, we must delve into the dark history of the Khazar dynasty Rothschild, identify the agents, the grey eminences, the greedy politicians, as well as the mechanisms of their actions.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild ~ Head Of The Snake.

Let us start with the Rothschilds, the main characters. They are the ones sitting at the head of the table.


             Although ever since World War II the Rothschild departments for the creation of public opinion have been assuring people that the power of the Rothschilds today is insignificant and that they will be remembered by their vineries in France or gardens and philanthropy in Great Britain, reality projects a completely different picture.


Building upon the foundations laid by their fathers and grandfathers, the present-day descendants are completing a mission that has lasted for several centuries. Today, the Rothschilds are the steam engine of a Khazar train heading for Russia and the vast expanses of Siberia. This train, which runs through the Balkans, is to be boarded with armies of the newly recruited members of NATO, which will then fight for the Rothschild empire.

                                    THE RED SHIELD FROM THE KHAZARS TO FRANKFURT

In order to be better acquainted with the new sovereign and his dukes, let us look at the lineage and the chronology of this dynasty. It all began towards the end of 18th century with Amshel (or Moses Bauer) Rothschild.

Mayer Amschal Rothschild

The Rothschilds (Rothschild translates as “the red shield”) are descended from Frankfurt. It is no coincidence that this is the greatest financial centre in the EU. It is very indicative that Frankfurt is the seat of the Central European Bank and all the major European and American banks, which are mainly controlled by Rothschild.

The Frankfurt Stock Market (one of the most important stock markets in the world) is aligned to the “Deutsche Borse” owned by the Rothschilds via their “Children’s Investment Trust” and “Atticus Capital” on the one hand, and their branches “Merrill Lynch” and “Fidelity Investments” on the other. Beside that, the coat of arms of the city of Frankfurt is a red shield! This symbol dates back to the period of the Khazar empire.


  The coat of arms of the city of Frankfurt

The writer Dejan Lucic says of Khazars:
90% of  present-day Jews are Khazars by origin. They are a Turkish-Mongol tribe, which was converted to Judaism in the middle of 8th century. When their empire fell apart in 10th century they settled down across Russia and Europe, and later on the

Lucifer is well documented biblically and the Luciferians who run the Illuminati know this, and trust me they believe in God, they just hate Him. The Rothschilds are one such family of Illuminati fame who reportedly even set a place at their dinner table for Satan. In case you think this does not matter, the Rothschilds are said to own 85 % of the worlds gold. They owned shares of BP Oil, which if Im not mistaken they dumped at the time of the oil spill. They are filthy rich beyond imagination. They profit off wars a

Marxism, globalism, the new world order, liberalism…All these are euphemisms for a phenomenon embodied in the invisible empire of the Rothschild family.


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