Brutal Proof Blog

IRAN Successfully Penetrates U.S.-Israeli Missile Defense Shield

Checkmate: Iran Defeats the US-Israeli Missile Defense Architecture. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter Global Research, April 17, 2024 Scott Ritter Extra 16 April 2024 Region: Middle East & North Africa, USA Theme: Intelligence, Militarization and WMD In-depth Report: IRAN: THE NEXT...


Possibly when the U.S. Dollar is devalued enough the Elite will do a reset and have a new currency such as the AMERO.  The Central Rothschild banks have done all this money printing all...

China Repeatedly Tried to Protect Its People From the Lethal COVID VAXX

China Repeatedly Tried to Block Taiwan From Giving Toxic COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines to Its Population Now Taiwan is publishing fraudulent new research covering up myocarditis in mRNA jabbed teenagers Comment:  Taiwan is under control...