Monthly Archive: April 2019

Natural News

Human civilization on the precipice… what’s next? Analyst Jim Quinn writes today that human civilization is on the precipice of collapse and annihilation.Protecting humanity from its own violent suicide will require rising up and...

Win Without War-Activism

Dear Activist: The Trump administration just took another giant step towards war with Iran by designating part of Iran’s military as a “terrorist organization.” This is the first time the U.S. has ever done something...

Notre Dame De Paris & The Jews

NOTRE DAME DE PARIS AND THE JEWS: As Israel Enters The Final Phase Of ‘Redemption’, Jews Must Not Shed A Tear Over Notre Dame And King Saint Louis Was An Anti-Semiteby TUT EditorKing Saint Louis (Louis...

Satanism & The New York Times

    A Daily Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions, Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times Front Page Headlines ___________________________________________________________________ APRIL 2019   1 FED RESERVE NOTE ___________________________________________________________________ “We read and rebut their...

From the Ashes of Notre Dame

Classical Renaissance, Classical Education, New International Economic Order, Stop WWIII From the Ashes of Notre Dame de Paris Two days ago the world witnessed, dumbstruck, the terrible fire which destroyed significant portions of the Notre Dame de...

Notre Dame Cathedral Inferno “Intentionally Set”

Notre Dame Cathedral Inferno “Intentionally Set”: Experts Explain the Timing and Sacrificial Elements by Starship Earth: The Big Picture It seems there are a number of people who believe the burning cathedral was no accident. Check...

Zionist Planned Parenthood’s Control of Amerika

Zionist Planned Parenthood’s Control of Amerika

No Images? Click here    Tuesday, April 16, 2019  Pro-Life News Email preferences |  View articles on one page | Submit News Tip   Featured What one candlelight vigil outside Planned Parenthood inspired by ‘Unplanned’ looked likeBy Martin M. Barillas...

Collective Evolution

Oppose the Equality Act, H.R. 5 & S. 788On March 13, Democrats introduced the Equality Act,H.R. 5 in the House and S. 788in the Senate, “To prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and...