Monthly Archive: April 2018

US Taxpayers Pay For and DIE in US Wars While Zionist Rothschilds’ and Zionist Israel and Zionist Britain (and Zionist Occupied France) Benefit!  Putin is the Greatest Ever!

US Taxpayers Pay For and DIE in US Wars While Zionist Rothschilds’ and Zionist Israel and Zionist Britain (and Zionist Occupied France) Benefit! Putin is the Greatest Ever!

Middle East: Whose Wars? by TUT editor BY PHIL GIRALDI – In March 2003, Pat Buchanan wrote a groundbreaking article entitled “Whose War?” in opposition to the Bush Administration fueled growing hysteria over Saddam Hussein’s alleged weapons of mass...

Allegedly, Amschel James Rothschild Said:  The Rothschilds Meet With Lucifer-Then He Was MURDERED

Allegedly, Amschel James Rothschild Said: The Rothschilds Meet With Lucifer-Then He Was MURDERED BANKSTERS Allegedly, Amschel James Rothschild Said: The Rothschilds Met With Lucifer — Then He Was MURDERED By The Phaser | May 17, 20163 Comments Save from NewsNotShownonTV: VIDEO:  WHOA! Here’s some incredible information about the Rothschild family...

How Israel Came to Be-Creepy Rothschild Interview Love Truth – Fight Evil Published on Mar 23, 2018 SUBSCRIBE 17K Rothschild talks about Zionism, Israel and his family rule in the shaping of the world from the beginning, and until now. Creepy...