Category: Russia

Globalists Say The New World Order Ends if Russia Wins. I Say Russia WILL WIN.

Globalists Say New World Order Ends if Russia Wins. New American Daily 4-2-2024

World Health Organization is a PROVEN CRIMINAL CARTEL!

The War Against You

  TheWarAgainstYou Your Hourly updates Eric Schmidt Partners With British Cabal Rhoades Trust to Groom Traitors to Help Enslave Humanity 6 hours ago I Met With Eric Schmidt, and He Told Me: “They Are...

BRICS Enlargement Is NOT a Non-Event. Only a Fool Believes it is a Non Event.

BRICS enlargement – a “non-event” or a stage victory against the West? Analysis 27.03.2024 23.0 Minutes Latin America German Dr. Hans-Dieter Holtzmann Russian President Vladimir Putin takes part in an extraordinary BRICS summit via...

Bullies With Wealthy Parents Run America’s Schools Like America’s Bully Political Leaders Have Run The World Like America’s Politicians these bullies lie, cheat and steal from others.  Truly an accurate Picture of America’s Wealthy Class who Know they are above the law.  This is why when LaRouchePac wanted Americans...

“Could G7 Sabotage BRICS’s Driving Role in the Global Development?” To me the BRICS Countries are a coalition of victims of the British Colonialism feeling very looted and their citizens shafted put into poverty by the Anglo-Dutch Satanists’ GREED.