Scientific Study on ADRENOCHROME in Int’l Review of Neurobiology in 1962


International Review of Neurobiology

Volume 4, 1962, Pages 307-371

International Review of Neurobiology

The Effect of Adrenochrome and Adrenolutin On the Behavior of Animals and the Psychology of Man

Author links open overlay panelA.HofferPsychiatric Services Branch, Department of Public Health, and Department of Psychiatry, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Available online 10 April 2008.Show less rights and content

Publisher Summary

This chapter describes the activity of adrenochrome and some of its derived compounds. The effect of adrenochrome is considered first upon simple systems, then more complex systems, then simple animals, and finally, upon the most complex animal, the man. animals that are given adrenochrome range from spiders, fish, and pigeons to the mammals including rats, cats, dogs, monkeys, and man. The chapter gives much original data on cats and man. Chemically, adrenochrome and adrenolutin are very reactive substances. Some of the changes produced by adrenochrome may persist several days, and in some cases, the effects lead to nearly disastrous results. Two cases of prolonged reactions are discussed in the chapter. There is also a discussion regarding the reaction that lasted more than one day after a single administration of adrenolutin as well as reactions up to one week. The changes in thinking induced by adrenochrome are similar to those observed in schizophrenia. Adrenochrome causes an elective inhibition of the process, which determines the content of associative thinking. This occurs in doses that do not heighten the lability of basic processes, do not reduce excitation, and do not loose temporary connections as is the case with LSD.

Copyright © 1962 Academic Press Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Randal Turner was and Adrenochromed Slave.

Comment: He was used as a sex slave as a teenager, MKUltra Assassin still as a teenager while on ADRENOCHROME. Adrenechrome drugged slaves are used in violent crimes. They are not to be blamed as under the Adrenochrome drug they are completely stripped of their free will and just used and exploited.

Excerpt from Adrenochrome Study:

IX. Effect of Adrenochrome and Adrenolutin on Humans Hoffer et al. ( 1954) observed that adrenochrome produced psychological changes in man. Since then, several additional studies have been recorded but not in great detail. Only the methods used and summaries of results have been given, due to the difficulty in having journals accept long clinical reports. In this review, results of experiments with adrenochrome and adrenolutin will he outlined in greater detail.

In all categories but anxiety, the evidence of TABLE IV EFFECT OF ADRENOLUTIN AND RIBOFLAVIN ON MENTAL STATUS oF VoLUNTEERS IN A DouBLE BLIND STUDY• Type of change Perception Thought Mood Anxiety Personality Carry-over, next day Total number subjects • From Hoffer (1957c). Number of subjects showing this change Recriving adrenolutin 12 14 ;{ 1 3 8 20 Receiving placebo 1 7 1 1 14

abnormality was much greater in the subjects given adrenolutin, but they were singularly free from anxiety.

My Comment: ADRENOCHROME alleviates Social Anxiety greatly and also affects critical thinking in a very negative way. Seems people on Adrenochrome don’t have critical thinking ability.

“The culmination of the tests came when I was given the critical thinking test which I found extremely difficult. It seemed to never end and I must have taken well over an hour to perform it. Not only did I find the questions difficult but I found the instructions difficult to understand and I believe most of my time was spent trying to figure out what was required of me in the test rather than getting on and doing the actual questions. I found that I had to read over the questions perhaps two or three times and even then was not entirely clear as to what was intended. I was fairly discouraged and rather depressed, and thoroughly fatigued, and yet I had a supreme apathy much as a lotus eater must have had. I was very thankful when the test was finally finished. “

Mood Changes Associated With Adrenochrome:

Mood. Eight subjects reported or demonstrated no changes in affect. Euphoria and silly laughter or giggling occurred in six. Three subjects had anxiety, one was fearful and one became hostile and depressed. Very often early tension or anxiety was replaced by euphoria and relaxation.

General. The other tests used were in agreement with the clinical observations. The changes in 3 subjects varied from no reaction to severe schizophrenic-like states. Nine subjects received doses of 30 mg sublingually. Four suffered endogenous Bonhoeffer type psychosis, 3 schizophrenic-like psychosis, and in one the reaction was doubtful. One failed to react. There were thus 7 out of 9 reactors, or nearly 80%. When 15 mg was given, there were 6 definite reactions ( 1 toxic, 1 schizophrenic-like, and 4 neurotic), i.e. nearly 40%. Five subjects had uncertain reactions and 5 were without reaction. I have reviewed this work in some detail because of its importance. It is the first double blind study with adrenochrome on humans and fully corroborates the Saskatchewan findings.

Subject 1 took his adrenochrome at 4:00 PM.

At 4:25, he could no longer estimate passage of time. He thought he had been in all afternoon. His limbs became very light. His hands changed in size as he looked at them and the observer’s face changed in size. The rest of the hour, he found paintings unusually vivid. At the end of the hour, he had a headache in the occipital area and felt indifferent. Because of his discomfort, he was given 1 gm of nicotinic acid. In 10 minutes as he began to flush, the perceptual changes vanished and he felt normal. That night, he slept lightly and was not sure whether he had been awake or asleep (twilight sleep). The next morning, he was very tired and considered not coming to work. At work, he was irritable all day.

Subject 2 had had much experience with LSD and was skilled at introspective observation.

He likened the experience to the initial symptoms of LSD.

Comment: Scarily the severe effects of ADRENOCHROME.

The chief pathological changes are in the brain and liver. Clinically, there are severe neurological changes including tremor and marked mental changes.

XI. Conclusions

The types of change produced mimic in many ways the changes seen in schizophrenia. The kind of visual hallucinations seen with mescaline, LSD, psilocybine, and other substances is not produced. The findings of our group have been corroborated in man by three independent research centers, while no research paper has reported details of failure to corroborate.

Comment: Anybody wonder why we have so many school shooters, mass killers, violent predators?

Probably all drugged up on ADRENOCHROME.

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