The World at a Turning Point — Is the Human Race Morally Fit To Survive? Posted on October 31, 2018 Step back and view the current situation in the world as a whole. The Western world, which has been the center of world progress since the European Renaissance, is in chaos. The German government is collapsing, as both of the parties which have led that nation since World War II have lost nearly all their support across the country. Angela Merkel, who has ruled for 18 years, and was anointed the “leader of the free world” by those who fear and despise Donald Trump’s efforts to form a bond of friendship with Vladimir Putin, has announced her resignation as party leader as of the CDU congress, and will likely be replaced as Chancellor in December. France’s Macron is facing a similar revolt. The British can’t figure out how to Brexit. READ MORE

The World at a Turning Point — Is the Human Race Morally Fit To Survive?

Step back and view the current situation in the world as a whole. The Western world, which has been the center of world progress since the European Renaissance, is in chaos. The German government is collapsing, as both of the parties which have led that nation since World War II have lost nearly all their support across the country. Angela Merkel, who has ruled for 18 years, and was anointed the “leader of the free world” by those who fear and despise Donald Trump’s efforts to form a bond of friendship with Vladimir Putin, has announced her resignation as party leader as of the CDU congress, and will likely be replaced as Chancellor in December. France’s Macron is facing a similar revolt. The British can’t figure out how to Brexit.READ MORE

Dear Reader,

When an SEC commissioner says a retirement crisis “tsunami” is headed right for us, it might be time to pay attention. In a recent appearance at a Washington, D.C., think tank, commissioner Kara Stein detailed a frightening scenario she says is awaiting Americans if the nation doesn’t soon address underlying causes of retirement unpreparedness. For more information – and to learn one of the best ways to protect your savings come what may – read Augusta’s latest blog article here.

Kind Regards
Isaac Nuriani, CEO
Augusta Precious Metals

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