A Daily Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions,

Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times Front Page Headlines





“We read and rebut their vile crap so you won’t have to!”



NY Times: Senate Leaders Reach Budget Deal to Raise Spending Over Two Years


Over the course of past years and decades, how many times have American (Canadian, Australian and European too, we would imagine) taxpayers been forced to endure re-runs of these corny Dog & Pony shows about budget battles. The Piranha Press soap-opera drama over a looming “government shutdown”  builds and builds and builds. But at the end of the children’s show that the Demonrats and Repuiblican’ts put on for Boobus Americanus to enjoy, it’s always the same old “bipartisan”  result — specifically, more spending, more debt and more taxes, at least in the long term.

From the article:

“Senate leaders struck a far-reaching bipartisan agreement on Wednesday that would add hundreds of billions of dollars to military and domestic programs over the next two years while raising the federal debt limit, moving to end the cycle of fiscal showdowns that have roiled the Capitol.”



  1. The demonic Upchuck Schumer (cough cough) and the creepy as all hell Republican’t , Mitch McConnell reach a “bipartisan”  Senate deal to rob us some more. 2. Skeletor Pelosi of the D’s and Paul Ryan (aka Eddie Munster) of the R’s run the same “bipartsian”  scam in the House. 3. Let the red ink flow, baby!

Although, thus far, Trump has earned high marks from Sugar and me, er, “The Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times on issues such as resisting the Global Warming  / Climate Change  Hoax, deregulation, gun rights, repealing the individual mandate of ObongoCare, passing corporate and individual tax cuts, finishing off (with Putin & Assad) CIA-ISIS; this is one subject, and a major subject at that, in which we have no choice but to give Trump a big fat red “F” on his presidential report card.

Granting that cutting the size and cost of government would require the unlikely cooperation of a Congress filled with communist Demonrats and gutless Republican’ts, the fact remains that Trump has never even talked nor tweeted about slashing the size of the Monster State. Where’s the leadership? To the contrary, his bizarre claims that the “depleted” US military needs to be rebuilt have led to a massive increase in the size of the budget for Department of Offense.

  1. Generalissimo Trump2. The “depleted” military of Trump’s imagination consumes more tax money than that of peaceful Russia and China combined anddoubled! 3. Just the increase in General Trump’s Offense budget, by itself, is equal to the cost of the entire State Department, EPA and foreign aid giveaways.

This isn’t rocket science, boys and girls. A massive Federal budget and its attendant growth in the National Debt require massive tax revenues to be stolen, both overtly and covertly, from us working slaves in more creative ways that you can shake a hammer & sickle at. Just the interest that we forced to cough up for debt service each year amounts to $266 Billion — which translates into an average of about $3,200 per working household. I don’t know about “youse guys,” but “The Editorial Board” wouldn’t mind having an extra $260 per month in our pockets each month, especially since Lulu, like Amazon did last year, just banned “The Bad War.” Ouch! (hint hint for you donors).

Do we really need such an obscene Department of Offense budget of $716 Billion (for 2019)? Do we really need to be paying out Social Security checks to those “senior citizens”  who already have hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in liquid assets? Do we really need to be handing out free health care (both Medicaid and Medicare) to the many millions of impoverished Turd Worlders who arrive her each year? Do we really need the Departments of Education, Interior, Commerce, Labor, Transportation, Homeland Security and so many others? And don’t even get us started on the indirect costs inflicted upon society by the loan-sharking, counterfeiting, and stock-rigging criminal syndicate known as “The Fed.”

Sorry, Mr. President. Raising the budget ceiling so that the government can keep growing and growing will never “make America great again.” Hear it from the truly great man who penned the Declaration of Independence that the gluttonous drunken boobs of America pretend to celebrate every 4th of July.

“And to preserve their independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debts, as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our callings and our creeds, as the people of England are, our people, like them, must come to labor sixteen hours in the twenty-four, give the earnings of fifteen of these to the government for their debts and daily expenses; and the sixteenth being insufficient to afford us bread, we must live, as they now do, on oatmeal and potatoes; have no time to think, no means of calling the mismanagers to account; but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers.”  Thomas Jefferson

Tell it, Mr. President. Tell it!


Barbeques on the 4th of July are great — but how many people actually pause to reflect upon the sad fact that the high ideals contained in Jefferson’s Declaration of July 4, 1776 are now null and void, and that Americans are now economic slaves to endless debt, taxation and currency debasement.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that a bipartisan agreement was reached to avoid another government shutdown.

Boobus Americanus 2: Bipartisanship is good.



Sugar:  Boobuss, you frickin’ ssimpleton! All that “bipartissanship” meanss iss that you’re getting %$#*&^% up the #*% by two partiess instead of one!

 Editor: (palm to face, shaking head, sighing) Please excuse the cat, dear reader. The anger issues and poor manners stem from her shelter days.



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– To collect any of the other ANYT volumes (12 in all), visit Amazon Author Page of “M S King” (here)

Over the course of past years and decades, how many times have American (Canadian, Australian and European too, we would imagine) taxpayers been forced to endure re-runs of these corny Dog & Pony shows about budget battles. The Piranha Press soap-opera drama over a looming “government shutdown”  builds and builds and builds. But at the end of the children’s show that the Demonrats and Repuiblican’ts put on for Boobus Americanus to enjoy, it’s always the same old “bipartisan”  result — specifically, more spending, more debt and more taxes, at least in the long term.

From the article:

“Senate leaders struck a far-reaching bipartisan agreement on Wednesday that would add hundreds of billions of dollars to military and domestic programs over the next two years while raising the federal debt limit, moving to end the cycle of fiscal showdowns that have roiled the Capitol.”



  1. The demonicUpchuck Schumer (cough cough) and the creepy as all hell Republican’t , Mitch McConnell reach a “bipartisan”  Senate deal to rob us some more. 2. Skeletor Pelosi of the D’s and Paul Ryan (aka Eddie Munster) of the R’s run the same “bipartsian”  scam in the House. 3. Let the red ink flow, baby!

Although, thus far, Trump has earned high marks from Sugar and me, er, “The Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times on issues such as resisting the Global Warming  / Climate Change  Hoax, deregulation, gun rights, repealing the individual mandate of ObongoCare, passing corporate and individual tax cuts, finishing off (with Putin & Assad) CIA-ISIS; this is one subject, and a major subject at that, in which we have no choice but to give Trump a big fat red “F” on his presidential report card.

Granting that cutting the size and cost of government would require the unlikely cooperation of a Congress filled with communist Demonrats and gutless Republican’ts, the fact remains that Trump has never even talked nor tweeted about slashing the size of the Monster State. Where’s the leadership? To the contrary, his bizarre claims that the “depleted” US military needs to be rebuilt have led to a massive increase in the size of the budget for Department of Offense.

  1. Generalissimo Trump2. The “depleted” military of Trump’s imagination consumes more tax money than that of peaceful Russia and China combined anddoubled! 3. Just the increase in General Trump’s Offense budget, by itself, is equal to the cost of the entire State Department, EPA and foreign aid giveaways.

This isn’t rocket science, boys and girls. A massive Federal budget and its attendant growth in the National Debt require massive tax revenues to be stolen, both overtly and covertly, from us working slaves in more creative ways that you can shake a hammer & sickle at. Just the interest that we forced to cough up for debt service each year amounts to $266 Billion — which translates into an average of about $3,200 per working household. I don’t know about “youse guys,” but “The Editorial Board” wouldn’t mind having an extra $260 per month in our pockets each month, especially since Lulu, like Amazon did last year, just banned “The Bad War.” Ouch! (hint hint for you donors).

Do we really need such an obscene Department of Offense budget of $716 Billion (for 2019)? Do we really need to be paying out Social Security checks to those “senior citizens”  who already have hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in liquid assets? Do we really need to be handing out free health care (both Medicaid and Medicare) to the many millions of impoverished Turd Worlders who arrive her each year? Do we really need the Departments of Education, Interior, Commerce, Labor, Transportation, Homeland Security and so many others? And don’t even get us started on the indirect costs inflicted upon society by the loan-sharking, counterfeiting, and stock-rigging criminal syndicate known as “The Fed.”

Sorry, Mr. President. Raising the budget ceiling so that the government can keep growing and growing will never “make America great again.” Hear it from the truly great man who penned the Declaration of Independence that the gluttonous drunken boobs of America pretend to celebrate every 4th of July.

“And to preserve their independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debts, as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our callings and our creeds, as the people of England are, our people, like them, must come to labor sixteen hours in the twenty-four, give the earnings of fifteen of these to the government for their debts and daily expenses; and the sixteenth being insufficient to afford us bread, we must live, as they now do, on oatmeal and potatoes; have no time to think, no means of calling the mismanagers to account; but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers.”  Thomas Jefferson

Tell it, Mr. President. Tell it!


Barbeques on the 4th of July are great — but how many people actually pause to reflect upon the sad fact that the high ideals contained in Jefferson’s Declaration of July 4, 1776 are now null and void, and that Americans are now economic slaves to endless debt, taxation and currency debasement.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that a bipartisan agreement was reached to avoid another government shutdown.

Boobus Americanus 2: Bipartisanship is good.



Sugar:  Boobuss, you frickin’ ssimpleton! All that “bipartissanship” meanss iss that you’re getting %$#*&^% up the #*% by two partiess instead of one!

 Editor: (palm to face, shaking head, sighing) Please excuse the cat, dear reader. The anger issues and poor manners stem from her shelter days.




Over the course of past years and decades, how many times have American (Canadian, Australian and European too, we would imagine) taxpayers been forced to endure re-runs of these corny Dog & Pony shows about budget battles. The Piranha Press soap-opera drama over a looming “government shutdown”  builds and builds and builds. But at the end of the children’s show that the Demonrats and Repuiblican’ts put on for Boobus Americanus to enjoy, it’s always the same old “bipartisan”  result — specifically, more spending, more debt and more taxes, at least in the long term.


From the article:


“Senate leaders struck a far-reaching bipartisan agreement on Wednesday that would add hundreds of billions of dollars to military and domestic programs over the next two years while raising the federal debt limit, moving to end the cycle of fiscal showdowns that have roiled the Capitol.”




1. The demonic Upchuck Schumer (cough cough) and the creepy as all hell Republican’t , Mitch McConnell reach a “bipartisan”  Senate deal to rob us some more. 2. Skeletor Pelosi of the D’s and Paul Ryan (aka Eddie Munster) of the R’s run the same “bipartsian”  scam in the House. 3. Let the red ink flow, baby!


Although, thus far, Trump has earned high marks from Sugar and me, er, “The Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times on issues such as resisting the Global Warming  / Climate Change  Hoax, deregulation, gun rights, repealing the individual mandate of ObongoCare, passing corporate and individual tax cuts, finishing off (with Putin & Assad) CIA-ISIS; this is one subject, and a major subject at that, in which we have no choice but to give Trump a big fat red “F” on his presidential report card.


Granting that cutting the size and cost of government would require the unlikely cooperation of a Congress filled with communist Demonrats and gutless Republican’ts, the fact remains that Trump has never even talked nor tweeted about slashing the size of the Monster State. Where’s the leadership? To the contrary, his bizarre claims that the “depleted” US military needs to be rebuilt have led to a massive increase in the size of the budget for Department of Offense.



1. Generalissimo Trump 2. The “depleted” military of Trump’s imagination consumes more tax money than that of peaceful Russia and China combined anddoubled! 3. Just the increase in General Trump’s Offense budget, by itself, is equal to the cost of the entire State Department, EPA and foreign aid giveaways.


This isn’t rocket science, boys and girls. A massive Federal budget and its attendant growth in the National Debt require massive tax revenues to be stolen, both overtly and covertly, from us working slaves in more creative ways that you can shake a hammer & sickle at. Just the interest that we forced to cough up for debt service each year amounts to $266 Billion — which translates into an average of about $3,200 per working household. I don’t know about “youse guys,” but “The Editorial Board” wouldn’t mind having an extra $260 per month in our pockets each month, especially since Lulu, like Amazon did last year, just banned “The Bad War.” Ouch! (hint hint for you donors).


Do we really need such an obscene Department of Offense budget of $716 Billion (for 2019)? Do we really need to be paying out Social Security checks to those “senior citizens”  who already have hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in liquid assets? Do we really need to be handing out free health care (both Medicaid and Medicare) to the many millions of impoverished Turd Worlders who arrive her each year? Do we really need the Departments of Education, Interior, Commerce, Labor, Transportation, Homeland Security and so many others? And don’t even get us started on the indirect costs inflicted upon society by the loan-sharking, counterfeiting, and stock-rigging criminal syndicate known as “The Fed.”


Sorry, Mr. President. Raising the budget ceiling so that the government can keep growing and growing will never “make America great again.” Hear it from the truly great man who penned the Declaration of Independence that the gluttonous drunken boobs of America pretend to celebrate every 4th of July.


“And to preserve their independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debts, as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our callings and our creeds, as the people of England are, our people, like them, must come to labor sixteen hours in the twenty-four, give the earnings of fifteen of these to the government for their debts and daily expenses; and the sixteenth being insufficient to afford us bread, we must live, as they now do, on oatmeal and potatoes; have no time to think, no means of calling the mismanagers to account; but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers.”  Thomas Jefferson


Tell it, Mr. President. Tell it!


Barbeques on the 4th of July are great — but how many people actually pause to reflect upon the sad fact that the high ideals contained in Jefferson’s Declaration of July 4, 1776 are now null and void, and that Americans are now economic slaves to endless debt, taxation and currency debasement.




Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that a bipartisan agreement was reached to avoid another government shutdown.

Boobus Americanus 2: Bipartisanship is good.



Sugar:  Boobuss, you frickin’ ssimpleton! All that “bipartissanship” meanss iss that you’re getting %$#*&^% up the #*% by two partiess instead of one!

 Editor: (palm to face, shaking head, sighing) Please excuse the cat, dear reader. The anger issues and poor manners stem from her shelter days.



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