Our Media is So Biased It’s NOT Funny!

New Knesset Bill calls for national day to recognize pre-state terrorist groups

by TUT editor

‘This law will preserve their heritage and will thank them on behalf of all the citizens of Israel.’

ed note–Dear God, where do we even begin?

Yes, these groups were terrorist groups and were/are recognized as such by every civilized standard in every civilized nation in the civilized world. They blew up hotels full of non-combatants, assassinated high officials, and in the case of the Judaic massacre at Deir Yassin, men and young boys were lined up against a wall and machine-gunned to death while pregnant Palestinian mothers-to-be had their bellies slashed upon with bayonets and the unborn children ripped out of their wombs.

If any other group of people had done a mere 1% of what these people had done and the nation-state where this took place then introduced a bill setting up a national day of honor and remembrance, the world would be convulsing, as it should.

But when it is Jews doing it for the benefit of the Jewish state, no one utters even a burp of protest or condemnation.

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