Ex-UK Ambassador States Assad Not Behind Chemical Attack

Ex-UK Ambassador: Assad wasn’t behind the chemical attackby MG editor

ed note–of course, it goes without saying amongst intelligent, critically thinking people that Assad and the Russians did not do this. It SHOULD go without saying as well however–again, amongst intelligent, critically thinking people–that whatever Trump says/has said in the aftermath of this needs to be weighed against what his enemies are trying to achieve. If indeed this was an attack by those forces in Israel, America, and the West against Trump (and all can be somewhere between 100 and 110% sure that this was/is the case) who are out to re-make him in the fashion of his predecessors viz a viz regime change in Syria, a hostile posture towards Russia and the program that began in the early 1990’s with the first invasion of Iraq and then the ‘new and improved’ version that replaced it after 9/11, then no one should be surprised if Trump–in order to avoid falling into the traps that have laid for him with this FF attack would say things/do things aimed at neutralizing the highly-charged atmosphere that has been created as a result, including statements by him condemning Assad and the Russians for ‘their role’ in this. What is he supposed to do, go before the American people and have a rational conversation with them how it was his enemies in the ‘deep state’ that did this? Judea, Inc would crucify him and the US Congress would begin impeachment proceedings against him on this very issue.

The point is that no one should allow themselves to get too exorcised over the things Trump has said on this matter nor allow themselves to fall into the ‘NYUH-HUH, NYUH-HUH, TOLD YA TRUMP WAS A WARMONGER AND ALL THE OTHER STUFF WAS JUST AN ACT’ trap. As we have been counseling people here now for over a year, don’t pay as much attention to what Trump says as much as to what Trump actually does.

MG editor | 04/06/2017 at 6:42 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2dGk-Ir2

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